House Budget Committee Chairman, John Yarmuth (D-KY), Needs Your Input – IOTW Report

House Budget Committee Chairman, John Yarmuth (D-KY), Needs Your Input

According to the Constitution, the House of Representatives controls the nations purse (spending and raising money). To do so, the House has a Budget Committee, currently chaired by Kentucky Democrat John Yarmuth.  There are 33 members of congress on the committee,  more democrats than republicans and some familiar faces. Here

Traditionally, a budget is supposed to limit spending, but it seems the budget chair is more concerned with raising caps. Here

If any of our readers live in the 3rd district of Kentucky, you can contact chairman Yarmuth and ask about the need to raise spending caps, the appropriations process and what he plans to do to reduce spending in the budget for 2020. Here

1 Comment on House Budget Committee Chairman, John Yarmuth (D-KY), Needs Your Input

  1. I’m from Kentucky and this asswagon was the editor of a free leftist newspaper.
    He is batshit crazy and ignorant as a box of rocks. A bad combination.
    The moron leftists in Louisville elected his dumbass.
    I am sad to say my older brother is one of those morons. 🙁


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