House Democrat from Maryland, Jamie Raskin Has Cancer – IOTW Report

House Democrat from Maryland, Jamie Raskin Has Cancer

Democrat Jamie Raskin has revealed he has been diagnosed with lymphoma.
The Maryland Congressman who played a prominent role in the January 6 House committee investigation into the Capitol riots said in a statement it was a “serious but curable form of cancer”.

“After several days of tests, I have been diagnosed with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma,” Mr Raskin said in a statement on Wednesday. Examine

28 Comments on House Democrat from Maryland, Jamie Raskin Has Cancer

  1. My recent experience with a few others has been a combination of multiple “rare” forms of cancer.

    Don’t suppose it has anything to do with the jab do you?

    Even those thinking like Raskin can be in for a rather unpleasant surprise down the road a ways.

  2. What SNS said. After having it, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
    I have a friend that got the booster so he could go to Canada about 4 months ago. About 4 weeks ago he was diagnosed with lymphoma.

  3. Agatha, my Irish momma taught me to “read ’em the riot act” and then smile and walk away, unless they swing at you, in which case make your first punch your last and then walk away.

  4. Brad, tell your pal he’s been added to our prayer list. Prayer list just seems to be getting longer. One person dies, three more get sick. We’ve added more in the last year than we’ve added in 3-4 years before. Hope you’re on the mend. In spite of odds, wifey is now 14 years post.

  5. The Go Fund Me and Send Me Money
    Sick Sick Sick
    Send Money Right Away
    All You Got

    His Heart Just Aches For More Money
    He can get the Best Treatment in DC
    Send Him Your Money

    Raskin is a Jewish Money Grubbing Turd
    Geraldo is Not Jewish and a Money Grubbing Turd

    It is only Money that is the common denominator.

  6. Along with SNS and Brad, I won’t wish cancer on anyone. I’m always sorry to hear somebody has gotten the diagnosis. But there are some I’m less sorry about than others. Raskin’s one of those.

  7. Wylie , I’m doing well thank you. He has the same Oncologist that I do. He specializes in Blood Cancers. I had throat but never the less, he was my guy. I think the reason most of us immediately rejected the jab is we remember high school biology. RNA controls the DNA. Why are they screwing with Gods building blocks? So my pals pretty sharp, even though he reluctantly got the jab. And the booster. So he asks the Doc, what would cause me to contract this. The Doc says in the same breath, a sudden change in your DNA, don’t get the shingles vax, but I recommend you get another booster because your immune system is in a weakened state. That’s not even logical.
    Same Doc talked me into getting the initial jab. There’s no way in hell I’m getting a booster.

  8. Sounds like I’ve come to the same conclusion as everyone else.
    First, how long ago was Raskin Jabbed and Boosted?
    Second, for anyone who has actively pushed the Jab on others, and taken it himself, well, FOR BEHOLD MY FIELD OF FUCKS, FOR IT IS BARREN AND EMPTY, AND I HAVE NONE TO GIVE.
    I’m sure there’s a “third”, but, fuck him in the ass with a pineapple, extra large, fronds first.

  9. Raskin is a maggot who craves sympathy.
    And nobody “wished” a cancer on him – particularly a “serious but curable” one.

    Raskin and his ilk are a cancer on America.
    Fuck him. Fuck the Demonrats. Fuck Nihilistic Totalitarians. Fuck Tyranny.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. About 185,000 people die each day worldwide. Babies, little kids, ER doctors, good teachers, engineers and women in childbirth. At least this one, if it gets him, won’t be wasted.

  11. att:Tim…..” Raskin and his ilk are a cancer on America”.you are so correct, Nobody could say bit better, He’s a complete limp DirtyDick.
    As far as I’m concerned it Couldn’t happen to a better person. I hope he’s sick enough to remember all the hell and the Lies and the dirt he threw At good and honest Republican. He deserves every bit of suffering entitled to Him

  12. Admiral Levin made the diagnosis, and prescribed infected gay butt sex to contract the monkey pox, as it is known to be the cure for all other cancers brought on by the death jabs and subsequent boosters. All those demo turds should heed his prescriptions for the cure, he is an admiral, you know, and still has his wang to prove he is just part time trans.

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