House Democrats Can’t Defend Biden Corruption – IOTW Report

House Democrats Can’t Defend Biden Corruption

Red State

Here’s my rundown of the key takeaways/memorable moments:

  1. We now have sworn testimony from both whistleblowers, documenting obstruction. 
  2. Democrats had no real questions of the whistleblowers.
  3. Suddenly, Democrats don’t like leaks to the Washington Post.
  4. Hunter Biden’s payment of prostitutes could actually constitute trafficking.
  5. When Democrats tried to “gotcha,” they ended up proving the opposite.
  6. Shapley and Ziegler weren’t provided the FBI’s FD-1023 related to an alleged bribe by Mykola Zlochevsky to the Bidens.
  7. All of the evidence is not in.
  8. The Hunter Biden laptop has also not been provided to the investigators.
  9. The Bidens banked approximately $17 million from a handful of foreign governments for unspecified services within a five-year time frame.
  10. Gal Luft is the new boogieman.
  11. [There’s no intelligent life among House Democrats]

14 Comments on House Democrats Can’t Defend Biden Corruption

  1. Until heads start rolling, color me unimpressed. And I don’t mean one, I mean all of ’em….last name Biden or not. I’m talking down to the secretaries, clerks of all levels, and anybody else that can be tied to the bullshit. Anything less is, well, to quote The Who, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”.

  2. Just too bad there isn’t an agency to address these crimes, because there isn’t. How’s that shit sandwich tasting?

    They just can’t keep from reminding us every single day that Justice is dead. Snapping fingers under your nose knowing we’re powerless and cowards.

  3. In 2017 Donald J Trump took in 6.5 million from business dealings in China. This is against federal law for a sitting President to be operating a business with a foreign country.
    Donald J Trump lied about these & most likely other foreign interests. Next, these 2 so-called expert witnesses sound more like disgruntled employees.
    Last month the claim was 10 million, now 17 million so next month 25 million, but no proof.
    This is nothing but smoke & mirrors. No hard evidence at all
    When the hammer comes down & it will Donald J Trump will be indicted for attempting to subvert a Presidential election attempting a coup, civil rights election violations, conspiracy to overthrow Electors & numerous other Federal violations, all with hard proof.

  4. I just can’t progs like the anonymous who posts drivel on this site seriously anymore. A note to real commenters here – use a screen name because I usually just skip the anonymous comments as idiotic and generally incomprehensible.

    That’s it – I just wasted 30 seconds on an anonymous asshole. Won’t happen again.


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