House Dems Plot to Slap a 1000% Excise Tax on AR-15s – IOTW Report

House Dems Plot to Slap a 1000% Excise Tax on AR-15s

Business Insider

The recent violence is prompting one House Democrat to draft a measure aimed at severely restricting access to the AR-15-style weapons used by different gunmen in the carnage. Rep. Donald Beyer of Virginia, a member of the tax-writing House Ways and Means panel, wants to impose a 1,000% excise tax on assault weapons.

“What it’s intended to do is provide another creative pathway to actually make some sensible gun control happen,” Beyer told Insider. “We think that a 1,000% fee on assault weapons is just the kind of restrictive measure that creates enough fiscal impact to qualify for reconciliation.”

New AR-15-style guns range from $500 to over $2,000 depending on location, NBC News reported. That means a 1,000% tax on the weapon would add $5,000 to $20,000 to their final sales price — and would probably keep it out of reach from many younger Americans. More

32 Comments on House Dems Plot to Slap a 1000% Excise Tax on AR-15s

  1. Sure to be challenged at the Supreme court. The new token designate was caught clapping for the New Zealand prime minister when she mentioned gun control, so we know where she stands on guns.

  2. Just as with the $15 minimum wage, technology has outrun the stupid bastards once again. I’m not a big fan of billet receivers, but they are 100% serviceable and the cost of a usable CNC milling machine is dropping fast. You can buy one that will easily hold the tolerances necessary to turn out a receiver that is perfectly serviceable.

  3. That will send thousands of AR-15’s onto the black market.

    Aaaaaaannnnd no doubt thousands of uncontrolled arms dealers to sell ’em!

    Yeah that’s a better solution!

  4. It’s almost… not quite, of course… just “almost”… Like licking the Bolshevik pedestal of Capitalism(TM), supports the pedestal of Bolshevism.

  5. How is it that all leftists are in a position to never defend their property or life? Everything is always all roses for them.. how? Do they just not value anything?

  6. Of course this will never happen, but I find it hilarious that they are so obsessed with a gun that’s somewhere in the middle for firepower, ignoring 12-gauge shotguns, Desert Eagle handguns, even the more powerful AR-10 types, just because they have no idea what they are talking about.

  7. This will help the Democrats in November !!
    Their most vulnerable incumbents will not vote for this.
    If any republicans do, they should switch parties or they are lame ducks.

  8. One day in the near future the bigger penalty of killing someone may well be a result of not paying the tax on the gun used! DemocRATz dont take lightly to other people skirting taxes!

  9. OK Libturds, how about we turn in our AR-15’s for the less lethal AR-10 instead. And the same with the AK-47, we go to the more user friendly AK-&$?

  10. They don’t need drug testing. The vast majority need to be drug out of their office, into the street and shot in the head. They like mob rule, show them what mob rule really is. Fuck ’em all. 🖕

  11. Funny how their “creative pathways” always cause more problems and cost more than what existed before.
    I know it stretches the intellect , lawmakers, bhy not try using laws already on the books?

  12. All your guns belong to us! Will be taxing used sale of said gun types too. Your gummerment, working hard to make your life safe. High capacity magazines are next to be taxed thru the roof.


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