House Dems To Introduce Bill Term Limiting Supreme Court Justices – IOTW Report

House Dems To Introduce Bill Term Limiting Supreme Court Justices

Washington Examiner

House Democrats are reportedly preparing a piece of legislation to limit the time a justice may serve on the Supreme Court.

The bill, titled the Supreme Court Term Limits and Regular Appointments Act, allows the president to nominate two justices to the high court during each four-year term and restricts the tenure of justices to 18 years, according to Reuters. Democratic Reps. Ro Khanna, Joe Kennedy III, and Don Beyer plan to reveal the legislation on Tuesday. More

13 Comments on House Dems To Introduce Bill Term Limiting Supreme Court Justices

  1. Oh, did the Democrat’s feelings get hurt? Are they going to leave the playground and take their ball home? What a bunch of whining pansies!

    Elections have consequences you biotches! We voted in the Republican Senators explicitly to populate the Supreme Court with Justices that can read the Constitution and obey it. So, threats of packing the court, term limits, and demands we wait are the very reasons why we will proceed to shove the next justice in there right now.

    Oh and all of your fradulent, corrupt, illegal attempts to steal the election with mail in votes will be shot down.

  2. yeah, well there is that pesky ‘Constitution’ thing …

    you know, that …. Justices “shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour.” meaning ‘as long as they want’. right Ruthie?

  3. I think it would require a Constitutional Amendment for Congress to do this, but maybe the Supremes could find a way to term limit Congress with a simple ruling the way they like to do all kinds of legislating from the bench.

  4. Watching these seditious bastards and bitches planning to destroy our country’s Constitution over the timely death of one old senile woman is comical. Congressman Kennedy is the biggest political loser in the Kennedy Family’s long history of pampered, entitled kids who can’t stay out of trouble. Too bad that John-John wasn’t flying a bigger plane.

  5. The usual – new rules for thee that don’t apply to me.

    Now if they wanted legislation to limit Congressmen and Senators to 18 years total, [for serving in any combination of both house], then they’d have stumbled onto a darned good idea. It should also include – No golden pension.

  6. great idea if it applies to all political positions nation wide. The constitutional designers had no idea people would start living forever patched up, band-aided, and brain dead droolers.


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