House Freedom Caucus eyes repeal of Michelle O school lunch rules – IOTW Report

House Freedom Caucus eyes repeal of Michelle O school lunch rules

EAG: WASHINGTON, D.C. – The conservative House Freedom Caucus wants Donald Trump to “rethink” restrictions imposed on food served in public schools within the first 100 days from taking office.

michelle obama angry

The caucus posted a list of hundreds of regulations and rules the president-elect should consider eliminating or modifying after he’s sworn in as the president of the United States Jan. 20, including the Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act championed by first lady Michelle Obama.

The caucus lists the act among its “recommended list of regulations to remove” from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

“The rules are hallmarks of the Obama administration, but kids aren’t eating the foods, industries can’t comply with the standards, and schools are wasting money,” according to the document, First 100 Days: Rules, Regulations, and Executive Orders to Examine, Revoke, and Issue.

Students across the country have revolted against the first lady’s effort to fight childhood obesity through government bureaucracy with parody videos online, school lunch boycotts and pictures of their gruesome, unidentifiable lunches posted online with the hashtag #ThanksMichelleObama.

Since the restrictions on calories, fat, sugar, sodium, whole grains, fruits and vegetables went into effect in 2012, more than 1.2 million students have stopped eating school lunches altogether. Whole schools also dropped out of the National School Lunch Program because the cost of complying with the changes exceeds federal subsidies.

Meanwhile, requirements in the law that all students take a fruit or vegetable, whether they want it or not, has created massive amounts of food waste that have forced some schools to come up with creative ways to get rid of the garbage.  MORE

14 Comments on House Freedom Caucus eyes repeal of Michelle O school lunch rules

  1. Repealing these regulations would not even be necessary had the lazy, low life bums in congress done their damned jobs. Moochelle had no business issuing regulations of any sort.

  2. Of all the things that need to be done, this should be the easiest and also the first. It should take 2 seconds to make this stupid shit go away.
    How the fuck did that BUTCH BITCH ever have a say so in what happens at a school.

  3. Make that ungrateful, butt ugly, America hating, affirmative action, lofo ingrate get along with the menu she shoved down the throats of millions of innocent American school children. Better yet, feed her what she deserves; Alpo. America and the democrat party will never recover from the damage those two did to this country.

  4. It’s pretty ironic…the assholes who preach “nobody has the right to tell me what to do with my body” when talking about abortion think they have the right to tell you what you have to eat.

  5. Definitely need to go back to normal, traditional school lunches. I pay for my kids to have a school lunch but they come home hungry at 3. Some of that may be due to them growing and being active, but they tell me what they eat and it’s the typical minuscule and disgusting crap we all have seen of the Moochelle school lunches.

  6. Man, one day about three or four years after graduating high school, Lazlo and some of his pals used to dream about enrolling in a high school nearby school just for eats. The enormous rolls, the oceans of gravy, pizza hanging over the edges of the tray!
    We would have gone out for sports.

  7. Listen…you can almost envision and hear Trump speaking to the Press: “A kid should be able to make his or her own decision on what to eat and how much to eat. These restrictions. They just had to go. I want our children well-fed and healthy.”–Trump, After the Lunch Program overhaul.

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