House Intel Russia Report: FBI Agents ‘Did Not Detect Any Deception During Michael Flynn’s Interview’ – IOTW Report

House Intel Russia Report: FBI Agents ‘Did Not Detect Any Deception During Michael Flynn’s Interview’

DC: The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released its report on the findings of the Russia investigation Friday, which showed that FBI agents “did not detect any deception during [Former National Security Advisor Michael] Flynn’s interview.”

Flynn, President Trump’s first national security advisor, pleaded guilty in December 2017 to “willfully and knowingly” making false statements to the FBI during interviews on meetings he took with Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak. The report specifically highlights that Flynn pleaded guilty despite bureau agents determining that there was no “deception” in his interview.  more here


7 Comments on House Intel Russia Report: FBI Agents ‘Did Not Detect Any Deception During Michael Flynn’s Interview’

  1. Funny, isn’t it? Snake eyed Dick Blumenthal lied about his service in Vietnam and gets elected Senator in Connecticut.
    General Michael Flynn, a true warrior, didn’t lie to anyone and gets destroyed.
    No, it’s not funny; it’s a phucking disgrace!


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