House Members After DWS For “All Time Congressional Scandal” – IOTW Report

House Members After DWS For “All Time Congressional Scandal”

Frustrated with the slow pace of the investigation into the Awan family, Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.) is pressuring the D.C. police to share the findings of their investigation. DesSantis sits on both the House Oversight Committee and chairs the House National Security Subcommittee.

“Other senior congressional sources who spoke to the Free Beacon about the situation described Wasserman Schultz’s lack of cooperation in the investigation as unsettling, and said that her continued payments to these staffers even after evidence of their illegal activity became public may merit her resignation.”







25 Comments on House Members After DWS For “All Time Congressional Scandal”

  1. But, but she’s a former Democrat National Committee Chairman and a Hillary protégé therefore exempt from the laws that govern us little people.

    Loretta Lynch, James Comey and the main stream media agree, there is no discernable intent. Not one State’s Attorney would indict or prosecute.

    Where is Sessions and DOJ? Where is the FBI? Crickets.

  2. They do Need to Act Now, The Dem’s Know how Long it Takes for Judicial Action and Time things Out Appropriately ! They Will Pull Circus Clowns Out of Their Asses if Necessary !!!

  3. Funny how ya don’t here anything about this on the Alphabets, huh? They avoid this like the plague, but we’ll hear about Global Warming, Racism and transgenders all day.
    Ya know whut else we don’t hear about on the Alphbets?
    The great stock market success due to President Trump rolling back the Øbamboozler´s new Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, out-of-control, dictatorial regulations!

    On the flip side of that coin you can bet yer bottom dollar that if the stock market lost a few thousand points it would be nothing but wall-to-wall bead-strumming, clothes rending, mindless, screaming contemp for Donald Trump!
    As long as it is good for America, and makes America great again, you can expect silence about it from the bought & paid for knee-pad media! That includes enemies of the State!

  4. It drives me Cray-Cray when they use
    the word “scandal”.A scandal would be
    little Debbie Do-Do sucking the filthy
    whacki-Paki off.What she and many other
    demoratz have commited is called high treason
    and if found guilty they need the noose on
    all 3 networks…

  5. AA

    Definition of Lawyer/Attorney. Some one who’s never done or accomplished shit but is thoroughly convinced through institutional inbreeding that they’re the smartest MoFo’s on the Planet. I have TWO in the family. They don’t like me.

  6. BB — I call law schools “tech schools.” It always causes a row. But, hey, they are so rote and so narrow, they’re really no different than a tech school which teaches very specific skills. Try using that term with your relations. lol!

    (so amusing to me that poli-sci is considered pre-law)

  7. …and we have several lawwwww-yers (that’s how I say it) in the neighborhood. They use every opportunity to remind you of their important knowledge. The lower they are in the pecking order of lawyers, the more tiresome they are. And they see the entire world around them through that awful lens. They make crappy neighbors–at least this current batch is.

  8. AA, We have one visiting now. The wifes sister. Only Lib in the entire family Orchard. USC, UCLA law school. Make no mistake she was headed that direction at birth. Love her like my own sister. Made her tap out a couple nights ago. She’s divorced, from another Lawyer, has three great kids, that are all as conservative as hell. I’d like to think Uncle Brad had a little bit to do with that. Long days on a houseboat floating around Shasta did the trick. I’m convinced.

  9. Gah! How awful for you to be floating around Shasta in a houseboat!! We’re in a string of 85-90+ days w/40% humidity and all that smoke out of B.C. The sun looks like a cherry cough drop.

    You go, conservative Uncle Brad! We all need to influence kids wherever we have the opportunity.

  10. AA, been a couple years. Her kids are all girls. My FAV swept me with a hot weapon. Chewed her ass for an appropriate time. Gave her a big hug and got back at it. Not sure Uncle Brad is relevant any more. Tic Tok.

  11. “hillary”
    if the stock market lost a few thousand points it would be nothing but wall-to-wall bead-strumming, clothes rending, mindless, screaming contemp for Donald Trump!

    isn’t that what they are doing now non stop, contempt for tump ?

  12. must be debbie has allowed other of her ilk to be swept up in her misdoings so because they didn’t get any vig from it, they will now sacrifice her for revenge and her silence.

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