House Oversight Moving Forward with Contempt Vote Against Christopher Wray – IOTW Report

House Oversight Moving Forward with Contempt Vote Against Christopher Wray

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House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, Republican of Kentucky, says he’ll move forward with proceedings to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress over a document he has subpoenaed and that the FBI has declined to turn over to the committee.

However, FBI officials went to the Capitol Monday morning with the document, which is related to then-Vice President Biden and an alleged bribery scheme involving a foreign national, and allowed Comer and Ranking Member Jamie Raskin, Democrat of Maryland, to review the partly redacted FD-1023 document, which Comer subpoenaed in May. More

FBI has declared it can’t hand over the document because it’s part of an “ongoing investigation, so stop asking to see it. Here

12 Comments on House Oversight Moving Forward with Contempt Vote Against Christopher Wray

  1. Bush’s boy Wray will sweat when Bush’s girl Lerner is in Grey Bar Hotel.

    NEVER! UNIPARTY has been strong for 70 years because UNIPARTY protects it own. AND PROTECTS WEll AS GWB’S LERNER HAS SHOWN THE LAST 16 YEARS!

  2. Wray’s shaking in his little space boots.

    “Contempt of Congress” means nothing.
    “Lying to Congress” means nothing.
    “Lying to the American People” means nothing.

    And Wray knows it.

    Remove him from office and seize his pension – THAT he’d understand – or, as Erik wrote …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Obola, Pelosi, and Gruber deceived and defrauded their sovereign (a capital offense) with impunity – why should Wray be worried?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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