House Republicans prepare major border bill after months of infighting – IOTW Report

House Republicans prepare major border bill after months of infighting


As Republicans near the 100-day mark since taking control of the House, the party has nothing to show for its hallmark promise of ending the border crisis, thanks to an early attempt in January that never coalesced, as well as infighting stalling any progress.

Five GOP aides directly involved in border security legislation efforts spoke with the Washington Examiner this week about the state of affairs, including the party’s next big attempt to move on legislation.

In mid-April, the House Homeland Security Committee will introduce a comprehensive bill that targets a slew of border issues, going far beyond a series of seven bills put forth by members in January that have failed to move out of committee.

“There are no quick fixes, and the Committee is looking to offer long-term, workable solutions,” a committee spokesperson said in a statement.

The bill was born out of a framework developed by the American Security Task Force, which leadership created in mid-2021. In July last year, the group of primarily border lawmakers announced they had agreed on a framework for a bill that could win full party support.

“We’re going to be very aggressive, and I think the administration will have some choices to make,” Rep. John Katko (R-NY), who led the task force, said then. more

11 Comments on House Republicans prepare major border bill after months of infighting

  1. no quick fixes? the entire nation was shuddered for nearly two years, destroying the economy but they can’t figure a way to seal the border quickly. ok, genius

  2. translation? continue on as usual. I wonder, if any of us failed to pay U.S. income taxes would the government/ politicians take the ho hum treatment to any of us? yea I thought so.

  3. There’s a quick fix.
    Close the border.
    Take the money away for all but collecting names and dna.
    “Unchristian”. Why did that guy even run as a Republican?
    It’s illegal to cross the border illegally. What’s so difficult to understand?
    Whining about high speed chases? Well close the border so they don’t have to happen.
    He talks out of both sides of his mouth.

    I’m not holding my breath.
    What is wrong with these fools?
    MTG is more of a man than they are.

  4. “There are no quick fixes, and the Committee is looking to offer long-term, workable solutions,” ?
    Sounds like nothing will be accomplished under the failed leadership of McCarthy and McCONnell. Neither of the weak RINO leaders can steer their membership toward effective Border Control.
    Talk remains CHEAP. Their inaction costs us all.
    We are conned again.

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