House Republicans Release Memo on Biden Corruption; Comer Subpoenas Biden Bank Records – IOTW Report

House Republicans Release Memo on Biden Corruption; Comer Subpoenas Biden Bank Records

The Federalist

The memo outlines the primary evidence gathered to date, which directly implicates President Biden in direct bribery schemes with foreign nationals while his son, Hunter, peddled political influence for tens of millions of dollars. The Biden family and their close associates, according to House investigators, accrued more than $24 million from foreign sources between 2014 and 2019. The money poured in from foreign business partners across Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, and China, who often dished out millions “for no identifiable product or service.” More

Fox News

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer issued three subpoenas Thursday night for the personal and business bank records belonging to President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and brother, James Biden, as part of the House impeachment inquiry. More

10 Comments on House Republicans Release Memo on Biden Corruption; Comer Subpoenas Biden Bank Records

  1. Snooze fest. Can I have tomato luttuce & mayo on that nothin burter please. We don’t need no gov budget we don’t need nothing.
    For thats all they have to offer.
    Will this mistake save him ….

  2. Look, the Republican party – as a party – has a wanna-be wedding planner at it’s head (Ronna Romney). There’s a reason this moron was put in place – to fail and launder money. The remaining scumbags of the GOP leadership are all compromised from bribery and/or they’re in on the payola scam with the democrats.ALL the democrats are corrupt and in on the scam (Which is why they always vote togther.) About half the Republicans aren’t – which is why we can’t get the GOP scumbags on graft to vote our way. Trump exposed it all!


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