House Speaker Declares He Has the Votes for a “Debt Ceiling Resolution” – IOTW Report

House Speaker Declares He Has the Votes for a “Debt Ceiling Resolution”


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) reportedly said Monday that he believes there are 218 votes to pass House Republicans’ forthcoming debt ceiling resolution, which he said contains measures to limit federal spending, save taxpayers’ money, and “grow the economy.” More

11 Comments on House Speaker Declares He Has the Votes for a “Debt Ceiling Resolution”

  1. Just to clarify a debt ceiling declaration is the house telling Biden, “We’re willing to raise the debt ceiling for next year if you’re willing to consider some of our budget priorities.”

    It’s capitulation made to look like achievement.

  2. I’m all for cutting government spending if it actually happens. How about we reduce the Federal Govt. to only the functions outlined in the Constitution? Getting rid of all ABC’s would save a shitload of money; not gonna happen. If you can raise the debt ceiling there is no debt ceiling!

  3. It’s all smoke and mirrors.
    All Bullshit; All the time.
    The Republic died under Lincoln; it was buried under Wilson.

    We have now an oligarchic tyranny – one party rule – no longer a representative government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

    The people are merely sheep to be sheared – then cut up into mutton.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. RINO House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said Monday that citizens will be told to bend over, spread their cheeks as he has surrendered his oath of office to raise the BIDEN Debt ceiling.

    Wow, isn’t Kevin McCarthy great or what. Mitch McCONnell seen shaking his head in an affirmative gesture, as he looks in admiration for McCarthy shining that turd to look like a diamond.

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