House votes on resolution holding Garland in contempt of Congress – IOTW Report

House votes on resolution holding Garland in contempt of Congress

JTN: The GOP-led House is preparing to vote on a resolution holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress on Wednesday. 

The vote to advance the measure was 208-207 along party lines.

The contempt resolution is focused on Garland’s refusal to turn over an audio recording of President Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur, who investigated Biden’s handling of classified documents.  more

19 Comments on House votes on resolution holding Garland in contempt of Congress

  1. Another GOP House resolution that is headed for a dead end.

    Lies, breaking laws, corruption, failure to perform sworn duties and responsibilities are no longer contemptible.

  2. Huh. The congressvermin voted to hold AG Garland in contempt. They will now send a criminal referral to … AG Garland.

    Does anyone else see what’s wrong with this picture?

  3. @joe6pak — Dave Joyce of Ohio needs a lesson on the difference between lawfare, which consists of ridiculous and contrived lawsuits to harass and tie up political foes, and the entirely proper pursuit of a remedy when a govt official in the executive branch refuses to allow mandatory legislative oversight.

    I think that less may need to be delivered by means of a 2×4.

  4. I guess I should elaborate. AG Eric Holder of the Obama administration also found in contempt of Congress. Nothing happened to him.
    Peter Navarro from Trump administration went to prison. Steve Bannon will go to prison.
    Contempt of Congress for those two.
    This douche nozzle will skate.
    Trust in government has hit an all time low.

  5. Another traitor waiting to be hanged – longing to be hanged.
    For only by suffering can his soul be cleansed.

    Such blatant disregard for his office, his oath, and the Constitution is a cry for help.
    Someone should help him out.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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