Housing Built Specifically “Geared” For Gay Seniors?? – IOTW Report

Housing Built Specifically “Geared” For Gay Seniors??

This is simply flat out wrong, and I’ll tell you why.


A local nonprofit is preparing to build San Diego’s first low-income apartment complex geared for senior citizens who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

Such housing is considered crucial because members of the LGBT community often feel unwelcome in ordinary senior complexes, where the older residents tend to be less open to alternative lifestyles.

“The people who will live here paved the way for younger LGBT generations, and many of them are forced back into the closet in traditional senior communities because of a lack of acceptance,” said Delores Jacobs, chief executive of the San Diego LGBT Community Center.

The $27 million complex will be open to all seniors, but the nonprofit building it — Community HousingWorks — plans to create a welcoming environment for LGBT seniors that will encourage them to move in, including on-site supportive services coordinated by the local LGBT Community Center.


HT/ illustr8r

The housing has been created for a group of people that will be surrounded by like-minded people and their happiness will be assured.


I WANT THAT GUARANTEE!! I’ve lived next door to a lot of sh!tbags.

I do not want to live with a progressive. I want my housing complex to be conservative only, lest I feel uncomfortable. I want a total welcoming environment.



26 Comments on Housing Built Specifically “Geared” For Gay Seniors??

  1. It won’t last. They really hate each other deep down, and they have nothing in common but deviance. The lesbians will take over and run the others out. Besides, gay men already have their own retirement communities. They’re called AIDS hospices.

  2. Although I’m too lazy to look it up, I read somewhere that seniors have a high, and growing percentage of STDs. With pregnancy not really a concern, unprotected sex is rampant.

    Combined with the fact that these seniors are, uh, now my generation and the hippies who preceded me by a few years, I would think that AIDS would be a real concern because a lot of those folks who came out in the 70s and 80s weren’t real careful. But then again, longevity may not be at the top of the priority list at these facilities.

  3. I hear they want to build it off the “The Hershy Highway”

    I want the same type of building built for me. Butt. I want it to have an indoor
    Pistol range. For people who are not fags.

    I’m sure they would build it with no problem.

  4. “Diagnosis: Chronic vaginitis as evidenced by yellow discharge, senile dementia, history of hallucinations, bilateral edema.”

    Sounds fun.

    Merry Christmas, from the old folks home.

    No need to live to 98, I’m living it now.

  5. “…members of the LGBT community often feel unwelcome in ordinary senior complexes, where the older residents tend to be less open to alternative lifestyles.”

    That’s because the normal oldsters know “those people” don’t belong with them but in a mental-health facility.

  6. Let’s do an IOTW commune! We could pool our resources and buy an old, falling – apart mansion. The readers who have construction/handyman skills could renovate. I would be in charge of the decor and the house cook. Bad Brad and Moet of could do security.

  7. “… members of the LGBT community often feel unwelcome …”

    They’re SUPPOSED to “feel” unwelcome!

    They’re fucking PERVERTS!


    What part of that don’t they understand?

  8. For starters, they base the entire project on the projection that their favored population will not be accepted. This is bullshit on it’s face.
    Next they want the old folks to find ‘acceptance’ and seek it as a tonic for all their woes.
    The Constitution does not guarantee ‘acceptance’ it guarantees ‘tolerance’
    As long as they don’t spend my tax money on this I don’t care.
    Build your little enclave, make your self a safe place to be perverted. Just don’t whine when you get sued for the bald faced discrimination of straight folks that is the basis for your project.
    If I had a parent who lived in that community (and was not Gay or whatever) I would be worrying about whether or not some old pervert was trying to get my Parent to indulge in some alternative lifestyle games.
    It sounds like a bunch of old perverts looking to create a target rich environment to prey on Seniors who don’t have the mental capacity to defend against their sexual advances

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