How About We Cut Bait When It Comes To Puerto Rico? – IOTW Report

How About We Cut Bait When It Comes To Puerto Rico?

Yesterday, Puerto Rico’s no-voting member of the House of Representatives, Jenniffer (SIC) González-Colón (R) introduced a measure to grant the territory she represents statehood by 2021.

““No longer do we want ambiguity. No longer do we want this kicked down the road,” [Puerto Rico’s Governor] Rosselló said at a Capitol Hill news conference. “In Congress you’re either with us or you’re against the people of Puerto Rico.” More

Before creating a 51st State, why doesn’t Puerto Rico address that little debt problem they have first. Here

34 Comments on How About We Cut Bait When It Comes To Puerto Rico?

  1. They needed to have been cut loose decades ago.
    A 51st state?
    They don’t even speak English as their primary language.
    They had 120-years to fix that.
    Screw ’em!

  2. It’s even better when you take your glasses off. It’s all warm and fuzzy and definitely says “f*ckers of hope”

    Man…someone needs to post “America” from West Side Story…..

  3. As soon as that crappy evil congressman from Chicago (Luis Gutiérrez) announced he’s retiring from congress and moving to Puerto Rico, I knew statehood was his (unstated) goal. He was never going to walk away quietly. He’ll be a shit disturber for years to come. I put the over/under for his use of the word ‘racist’ at maybe 100,000

  4. I knew a Puerto Rican E-6 while I was in the Army. My Battalion spent a summer at West Point training the cadets. The guy went awol and was found doped up on heroine in NY city.

  5. The US has every “Corrupt and Indebted” democratic controlled major city draining our National Resources, why would we want another shithole in the same condition?

  6. Statehood? Naw son shoot for the moon. Go for being your own country. Stand on your own, straight and tall. Beholden to none. Self sufficient. Not needing stuff.

  7. The Republic of Texas went for statehood as a means to wipe their national debt clean. All in all I say the US got a very good deal out of that.

    Puerto Rico? I don’t know. I’ve never been there but I hear a lot of news stories about how they blame whitey for almost everything bad including hurricanes. We have more of than we need of that already. How about you go your way and we will go ours. We can make deals with Belize to have a naval port there. It will cost us less and those people speak English.

  8. I’d be tempted to tell PR that the U.S. treasury would negotiate a haircut payout of their debt to Wall St. if they’d simply agree to be cut loose. Goodbye territory, and as for statehood, fuggedaboudit. Adios y buena suerte.

    Tempting, but not tempting enough. I don’t see another solution, though.

  9. Christ,,,,

    We need to run a poll on this. It’s driving me crazy. Is it “flickers of hope”, or is it “f*ckers of hope”? How can you people not see this?

  10. We should actually just give PR independence. We should tell them you are no longer a commonwealth, we dont want you any longer, you can become your own country. They are worthless to us. And then we offer the Domincan Republic, great potential and mostly great people aside from their own share of vermin, an opportunity to take PRs place. We can get a much better deal from them.

  11. Yeah, just GIVE Puerto Rico to Cuba.
    The Cubans will straighten them out.
    Let them land troops there, declare martial law and then loot the crap out of the entire Island.
    Let PR know what poor and oppressed really feels like.
    Whatever it take to get rid of those ungrateful fucks.

  12. So why would we EVEN think of EFFING up our beautiful flag with a star for Puuuuuuuuerrrrrrto Riiico?

    These assholes would want their State star in the center.

    Ame-reeca – West Side Story – 1961

    One of the best lines @2:50. They basically told them get the eff out.

    Interesting perspectives between the men and women.


  13. “Cut bait” would imply that we want to continue with the preliminaries a while longer, or maybe indefinately. The question: Are you going to fish, or cut bait? is put to someone who never gets around to the task at hand. Just saying.

  14. @Mike Brown is an American Hero June 28, 2018 at 6:33 pm

    > We should actually just give PR independence.

    But we’re gonna’ fulfill all the DREAMs of Puerto Rican citizens left trapped in America? Right?

  15. Being U.S. citizens, Puerto Ricans are free to move about the country and settle anywhere they choose. Once they establish residency in a state they can vote in state and national elections.
    An independent Puerto Rico would be a deserted island.

  16. We’ve occupied that benighted island since 1898.
    Give it back to Spain.
    We don’t need another hemorrhoid – we already have NY, NJ, CA, MA, VT, OR, IL, WA, DC, and NM.

    If Spain doesn’t want it, give it to Cuba or Haiti.
    Or let it take its place as a sovereign state in the Beggar’s Gallery of the UN.

    izlamo delenda est …


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