How Are Leftists JUST LIKE ISIS???? – IOTW Report

How Are Leftists JUST LIKE ISIS????

American leftists are enemy number one in my book, and have always been.

Recently we’ve talked frequently about the need to eradicate them, and most think it’s hyperbole on my part.

You can think what you want about my statement, I need plausible deniability. 😉

Gateway Pundit-

ISIS supporters are celebrating the dangerous hurricanes heading towards the Unites States, claiming ‘Crusaders’ deserve the punishment.

I expect this from ISIS. Who doesn’t?

But on most political sites that are covering the path of Irma, and it’s probability of killing people in America, we see leftists saying


“Florida voted for Trump. This is what they deserve…” etc.

As someone who is sitting in its path, reading this, my resolve for eradication has moved to category 9.

ht/ fdr in hell


28 Comments on How Are Leftists JUST LIKE ISIS????

  1. If I had to guess, most people that die in hurricanes are helpless types, poor people, and blacks that can’t swim. All of those descriptions fit liberals to a T. So any natural disaster is far more likely to hurt or kill Dem voters.

  2. I don’t seen any difference in the two and i wear glasses….Don’t have the balls to show their faces- mommy might see me on the news and lock me out of the basement. The wrath of God will be strong upon these types of animals….. have a nice day 🙂

  3. leftism is a mental malady, and the antifa types represent their worst

    the scary thought is that these are the types that could be mobilized by groups like isis, they share a common thought process and propensity for mayhem

    i would not be surprised to see an upcoming terrorist event inflicted upon innocent people by a person or persons who have an antifa background, and pushed over the edge by the influence of terrorists

  4. The grand issue is one of slavery. The left is primarily made up of government workers/retirees and the welfare/entitlement class. Therefore to live their parasitical mode of existence the left must have the government force the productive class to pay taxes to keep the scam afloat. In reality this is forced slavery. I prefer a Gandhi approach via a tax revolution or collapse of the federal government (debt ceiling maneuver). Then when leftists have to become OUTRIGHT criminals it will be open season on them.

  5. LOL, well BLM begs to differ. They have another theory. Donald Trump, the racist, has a Hurricane Machine. That’s right. And he only targets areas that are predominantly black or Hispanic.

    That came from some one named Shaunika.


  7. Benito – Cause & Effect, it’s Cause & Effect. Shaunika can get a good-paying job as soon as we deport all the illegal aliens back to the Third World Shithole countries they came from, no whether it be from Central & South America or the Middle East & Northern Africa.

    Soon as we Build The Wall & Deport Them All we will see job openings galore and rising wages. MAGA!

  8. Right up there with cheering for Mar-a-lago to be hit. Who is going to suffer that disaster? Trump has insurance, how about all the people he has employed there that will be jobless? Or that couldn’t leave the area? They are sick, demented, intolerant, horrible people.

  9. Obvious differences aside, there are fundamental roots that link the two groups. ISIS is giddy over their good fortune that the American Left (and global Leftists, especially in the EU) are clearing the way for their infiltration and eventual takeover of the “Infidels” in the West.

    Both are against the natural rights of man, free speech being chief among them. Both groups are responsible for the subjugation of people; ISIS, primarily women and infidels; the American Left, slavery in the U.S., voting against subsequent civil rights for blacks and keeping black Americans on the poverty plantation in exchange for votes.

    The American Left desires America be physically dissolved through trade agreements, climate agreements, giving away governmental oversight to the U.N., doing away with physical borders, and taxing workers and business to pay for so-called universal social programs for those who will not provide for themselves. ISIS also wants to do away with America; different reasons, same results.

  10. …all to say: We’re eradicating ISIS and their ability to hold physical ground as a base of operations in Syria. What do we do about the American Left? One thought is for all producing conservatives to move out of the Leftist strongholds, the cities, and develop their own towns/cities away from them. Deny them their lifeblood, taxes. They will soon collapse.

  11. : — If it was just bombing them in Syria, perhaps. But we are waging a comprehensive war on them, the most important aspect is disrupting/stopping their cash flow by seizing accounts and tracking down the money trail to its sources. Money that ISIS uses to do everything else. Groups like Hamas and Hezbollah are not as consolidated as they appear. D’Souza says some of these groups are merely “a website with pictures of guys on monkey bars.” Nonetheless, a very small number of motivated jihadis can leverage many times its weight in devastation. There’s more going on to fight ISIS than we are reading about in the news. The Leftist news outlets don’t want us to know about it.

  12. TO AA

    RE: moving out of Leftist strongholds
    Only problem is…THEY REALIZE WHEN THIS IS HAPPENING, and move to Red states…hence Austin in Texas, Florida is “purple” from all the g*dd*mned NYers*, OHers, PAers, MIers.

    * Excluding those NYers who came as pioneers/developers and the original wave of tourists who made development possible, and Fur (who’s still on Double Secret Probation, but I hear from Gov. Scott’s office he’ll squeak by ’cause of the Times Square biz).

  13. CoD — You and I seem to be on opposite sides of the arguments this week 😉

    Conservatives are just going to have to leave the coasts, I guess. I hate the idea of leaving a place I where I was born and raised and always returned from travel. I’ve lived in my house for 40 years. It’s hard to contemplate weeding out all non-essentials and moving at this stage of my life, but I know I can get a pile of $$ for my house when we sell and are free to move anywhere we want. Looking for a small-ish town away from protests, antifa, anarchists, and Leftists in general. Been trying to talk Geoff C. into N.D., but he says “too cold” and ugly. Well, I don’t know what that leaves us. I’m not moving to a blue state even if the town is red. Just as you say, next thing you know I’m paying taxes on storm water (again, which is what Seattle does). I want our own well on our own property with as few social hand outs as possible. Know of a place?

  14. “I want our own well on our own property with as few social hand outs as possible. Know of a place?”

    @Abigail Adams – come on down to my redneck of the woods! THe South. Just not here to Louisiana. They tax the shit out of everything. 10% sales tax + income tax + property tax. Shit, even if you win the damn lottery they tax 5% of that. Fuckers. And our Governor looks like Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars. “It’s a trap!”

    You and your husband move on down here to Texas, Alabammy or Florida. I know that Tx and Fla don’t have an income tax. “We’ll do some fishing, some hunting, a little schnapps perhaps….” (h/t Young Frankenstein)

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