How Bad is a Democrat President When The White House Complains They Aren’t Getting Favorable Coverage? – IOTW Report

How Bad is a Democrat President When The White House Complains They Aren’t Getting Favorable Coverage?

10 Comments on How Bad is a Democrat President When The White House Complains They Aren’t Getting Favorable Coverage?

  1. How bad?

    Imagine giving a toddler a loaded Desert Eagle with a hair trigger and a faulty sear.

    Now imagine putting that toddler in charge of the United States.

    Now imagine one-third of the country thinking that was a brilliant idea, and the other two-thirds knowing it was the worst idea ever, but no one wants to risk trying to take it away from him for the next two years because he would get replaced by a meth head on Red Bull and bath salts carrying a flamethrower.

    It’s worse than that.

  2. We have a fool who is upset that the Democrat media is not giving him credit for trying to mitigate problems he created. “Yes, I set your house on fire, but I saved the laundry room.” Kudos to you, Brandon.

  3. It’s BAD! Maybe politicians and media people should have an oath like physicians, you know, Do No Harm. Oh never mind, that hasn’t worked out so well now has it?

    How about they need to have an I Q above 80 and not have Dementia to run for office as some of the qualifiers?


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