How Bernie Set The Stage For The Shut-Down – IOTW Report

How Bernie Set The Stage For The Shut-Down

Blue Collar Logic

18 Comments on How Bernie Set The Stage For The Shut-Down

  1. Bernie spews, “…if we aren’t entitled to decent working conditions and a livable wage than millions if us(?????) will continue to live in poverty…”

    Us? Hold on there Mr 3 homes and a fraudulent wife who got off scot free, who never held a private sector job and is now a multi millionaire, who you talking about with that us shit?

    The truly sad thing is how millions of people totally bought into this “I’m entitled” bullshit. yeah you’re entitled what I earn, fuck you.

    Thank the teacher’s unions for this shit.

  2. I love Dave Morrison’s commentaries, as for Bernie all I have is a giant middle finger salute. Go to hell Bernie and take your dumbass stupid millennial followers with you. I am one very pissed off baby boomer, I am sick and tired of all this shit that’s happening to my country because of the Corona virus. I want to go back to work as soon as possible and live a normal life once again totally free from all the namby pamby, pussy, so called do gooders who freak out at everything and anything and use it as an excuse to destroy America and the world just because.

  3. Thats good commentary. I am disheartened by the widespread acceptance by the sheeple that this lockdown and violation of civil rights is inevitable and sensible bc “the experts” have proclaimed it so. They don ridiculous and unnecessary masks as if the bubonic plague has descended upon us. Nation of sheep bah bah. Wake up America

  4. Because it’s Easter could we watch our language please? I cuss more than most but try my best on Christmas and Easter not to. It’s a sign of respect for the LORD. Tomorrow we can let it all out. Thank you.

  5. When someone says they are “entitled” to something, ask them “why?”.

    See if you can get a logical or even consistently coherent answer out of them.

    I’ve never been able to, but maybe you’ll have better luck.

  6. Very good presentation!
    Once again we see Bernie driving the democRAT-Bastard’s never ending struggle bus of false flags:
    Economic Justice: FALSE!
    Social Justice: FALSE!
    Racial Justice: FALSE!
    Environmental Justice: FALSE!
    2020 will go down as the year Collectivist Control was handed a sledgehammer to destroy the American Economy and these Commie Ratz are not going to let it come back without a fight! People in this country need to realize that the real enemy is living among us! Our enemies know that a truly United States of America cannot be beat, so their goal is to drag us down to their level of SUCK, beat the “United” out of the name and turn us into the Divided States of America!! The path to restoration will not be easy, but it is achievable so long as we recognize this is another form of terrorism (this time with wasabi) and “you’re either with us, or against us” in the fight and that the virus provided a very clever smoke screen for the real enemy.

  7. You know I wish Bernie would have been the one to run against President Trump,then we would really known how many commies there really are in our country.

  8. Anonymous APRIL 12, 2020 AT 11:51 AM

    If you think you should be critiquing what we say and when we say you need to man up and be somebody. You can kiss my homesick ass!


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