How Big Pharma Buys Off the Media – IOTW Report

How Big Pharma Buys Off the Media


You know those medication ads on TV, right? With the catchy jingle and the animated pill that practically does a jig while it cures everyone it touches. Let’s not forget the adorably quirky names they give these pills, like “O’beeboop” or what have you. It all seems so helpful, almost harmless, doesn’t it? More

15 Comments on How Big Pharma Buys Off the Media

  1. Kids are different today
    I hear every mother say
    Mother needs something today
    To calm her down
    And though she’s not really ill
    There’s this little yellow pill

  2. From Lazyboy, Underwear Goes Inside the Pants
    Every commercial that comes on TV is a prescription drug ad.
    I can’t watch TV for four minutes without thinking I have five serious diseases.
    Like: ‘Do you ever wake up tired in the morning’?
    Oh my god I have this, write this down. Whatever it is, I have it.
    Half the time I don’t even know what the commercial is?
    people running in fields or flying kites or swimming in the ocean.
    I’m like that is the greatest disease ever. How do you get that?
    That disease comes with a hot chick and a puppy.

  3. Get A Copy of “I SEE FAR” By A Friend of Medjugorje and you will be told that Tell A Vision Was and Is built to brainwash us and is a fine tool of Satan even in the hands of the most faith filled people, since the process of the images being fed to your brain is turning OFF the Left Side of your brain which is where your judgement processes occur and the Right Side of your brain is now just accepting the data from the Tell a vision. You watch but fail to judge the material…

  4. I pay no attention to commercials anymore because they only represent queers, minorities and happy dancing large women. Sometimes all three at once. They seldom represent reality.

  5. “Side effects include cannibalism, projectile vomiting, unstoppable diarrhea & a propensity to vote for Democrats”. “Talk to your doctor today” “Brought to you by Pfizer”.

  6. If one of these advertisements would consider that a white person would need one of their drugs, I might consider it.
    No…. The side effects are allegedly worse than the disease.

  7. I’m really glad I’m able to see thru the media hype of taking a drug the gives me on the average of 30 days of life for a medicine that can fix my incurable disease for at least 30 to 90 days of life. It only cost me my entire life savings…

  8. The Friendly Giants!

    Big Pharma.
    Propagandist Media.
    Wall St.
    Madison Ave.
    Big Tech.

    The friendly giants all working together to screw us. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!
    It’s not just your money – they want your soul, too.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I remember the valtrex commercials, hot women, surfing, mountain biking, and living in Hawaii, kinda made want to get herpes if I could have a life style like that. Made it seem like having herpes meant you got rich, and didn’t have to work anymore.
    I think part of the loss of civilization we experience in America is brought on by pig pharma making customers out of people and loading them up on haply pulls,instead of encouraging people to learn coping skills.

  10. @ Different Tim SUNDAY, 4 FEBRUARY 2024, 19:27 AT 7:27 PM

    “They seldom represent reality.”

    Almost nothing on TV represents reality including reality shows.

    @ Tim – FJB MONDAY, 5 FEBRUARY 2024, 5:34 AT 5:34 AM

    You forgot the legal profession.


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