Bill Gates and the SAT – IOTW Report

Bill Gates and the SAT

How Bill Gates Destroyed the SAT

Sultan Knish – Standardized testing is the engine of meritocracy. When the College Board standardized testing through the SAT, it introduced merit to an educational system where status was determined by family history.

A poor immigrant who studied hard and worked hard might have a shot at the best schools in the land.

Over a century later, the College Board has announced that the Scholastic Assessment Test will include an adversity score based on zip codes that purports to measure the social environment of the student.

After nearly a century of trying to measure intelligence, instead of class, the SAT will collude in a college admission system where class overwhelms merit to a degree unseen since 18th century Harvard.

The latest assault on standardized testing assumes that the individual student should be defined by the income, education and family averages of his zip code, more than by his actual skills and learning in a complete reversal of the entire purpose of the SAT and the meritocratic work of the College Board.

Ironically, the College Board fell victim to the success of a college dropout from a wealthy family.

William Henry Gates III, more commonly known as Bill Gates, has wielded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a tool for wrecking education with Common Core and has hijacked the College Board, which began as a conclave of elite college leaders, into pursuing his radical social and political agendas.

The downfall of the College Board began when it picked David Coleman, a Gates alumnus who had played a significant role in writing Common Core standards, as its new president.

Read it here.


8 Comments on Bill Gates and the SAT

  1. Given the amount of artists, painters, sculptures, tradesman, tinkers, authors, historians, poets, naturalists (@Claudia) and others…on IOTW…of course standards ARE important, but SATS really mean nothing to the thinking critical mind.

    Get a good SAT and go into DEBT. Learn a trade or skill make money.

    And when you are in college, you might become a dumb dumb.

  2. College or University must be considered a business and until we, or they that go, realize this, SAT is just another formalized way of picking and choosing.

    1050 (just okay, 1500 was perfect) and going strong now. That was almost 40 years ago!

    Trade schools are what is needed, humans can still do things that robots cannot do, until further notice.

    Like repair a…faucet?

  3. I know that this is disturbing, but at least more and more states are dumping Common Core for the K-12 standardized testing. When I left the industry, there were about 20-30 states that withdrew from the Federal standards and went back to using their own state DOE to write the tests. Now, parents will have more say than before … if they take the effort to fight the left’s attempt to indoctrinate their children in climate change and re-writing history.

  4. I wish these people would provide statistics and examples from the past that would show evidence that their ideas were based on proven ideas.
    Nope, they just throw money out there to implement their harebrained schemes without regard for consequences.
    Efficacy be damned, we’ve got money to burn!

  5. @Anonymous June 14, 2019 at 12:09 am

    > Other than stealing ideas from Steve Jobs and making a lot of money with them, Gates has proven to be pretty useless, hasn’t he.

    Don’t you believe that God will raise up the righteous?

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