How can Biden handlers defend this any longer? “The crops and wetlands in the middle of the country… like Nevada…” – IOTW Report

How can Biden handlers defend this any longer? “The crops and wetlands in the middle of the country… like Nevada…”

He also said tornadoes are not called tornadoes anymore.

39 Comments on How can Biden handlers defend this any longer? “The crops and wetlands in the middle of the country… like Nevada…”

  1. You know, the wind spins around so it looks like one of those things…you know, softserve ice cream………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
    I’m hungry. Let’s end this meeting so I can go get some choco-choco-chip…

  2. So who’s running the country because it sure as hell isn’t him. I think we have the right to know that. In fact I think we demand it. Who ever it is, wasn’t on the ballot.

  3. Mojave Desert is known for their Wetlands and Tornados, but they don’t call them wetlands or tornados anymore, not since the dinosaurs moved to Mexico.
    Thanks for the geography lesson Joe.

  4. Is it possible that Dementia Joe’s Handlers have decided he needs more exposure? This would make it more obvious that it’s time for the Jamindian to complete the Fundamental Destruction of the country they obviously want to ruin. Kalamity has been steered clear of the Afghanistan Catastrophe, and can claim she wasn’t listened to when the Taliban hit the fan blades.

  5. Clearly, people, Joe’s the 𝓢𝓬𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽! (Though I’m not sure they call it that anymore.)

    Jeb, you can’t touch him!

  6. The libs are gonna use Joey as an example of why we shouldn’t be allowed to vote since we were so STUPID to vote for him in the 1st place…..Even tho we didn’t.
    All these decades of school indoctrination are starting to pay off for them.

  7. I think at this point, the democrats are just punking the republicans, to see just how far they can push this moron before the republicans finally do SOME DAMN THING about him.

  8. Last year, Iowa had a derecho, which is essentially hurricane force straight line winds. Other parts of the midwest also have straight line winds, although not as wide spread as the derecho.

    But, we still have tornados as well. As a matter of fact, derechos are rare, while tornados happen a lot – they only make the news when they take out a trailer park.

  9. I used to farm 1,200 acres of corn in Nevada. I had to give it up when my whole crop turned into popcorn before my very eyes. I sold out and bought a ski slope just north of Galveston. Hope to do better there.

  10. Jeezel, he is just PAINFUL to watch and listen to. DOCTOR Jill Biden is an awful, AWFUL person to keep allowing this. Somebody must have something on her as well as old Joe.


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