How Can Gays Enjoy Sex When Trump Refuses To Bathe the White House in Rainbow Lights? – IOTW Report

How Can Gays Enjoy Sex When Trump Refuses To Bathe the White House in Rainbow Lights?

American Thinker-

Did you know that June is Gay Pride month? It means we are supposed to celebrate all forms of gay sex–men on men, women on women, all of the above on none of the above, and so on. But President Trump refuses to get with the program, failing to issue a proclamation declaring June as America’s month of gay sex.

President Donald Trump has yet to issue a proclamation for Pride Month, breaking a recent tradition that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender advocacy groups call “deeply disappointing” but not entirely surprising.

June is historically recognized as LGBT Pride Month. Former President Barack Obama issued a federal proclamation every year dating back to 2011, according to White House archives.

This is clearly a violation of President Trump’s promise to “Make America Gay Again,” so it is understandable why some people are disappointed. How can gay people enjoy sex without the explicit stamp of approval of the federal government?

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ht/ Mighty Mojo

35 Comments on How Can Gays Enjoy Sex When Trump Refuses To Bathe the White House in Rainbow Lights?

  1. If you do things to be proud of, you do need a special month.

    Which month celebrates I went to work everyday, paid my taxes, paid my bills, fed my family and kept quiet about it?

  2. Yea evil Trump won’t light up the White House, too busy trying to make sure people that want to throw them off roofs aren’t admitted to the country.

  3. Can’t enjoy sex without the rainbow lights? Really, these people that get stirred into a sexual frenzy at the slightest wiff of a sewage treatment plant.

  4. Daddy Trump does not have time to applaud every snowflake and liberal talking point.
    He’s too busy WORKING
    Fooking Libs can’t stop emoting publicly about every impulse they have and trying to mainstream and normalize it.
    Just like Bill Mahr

  5. Without constant active artificial Federal propagandizing and mandatory promoting, the whole LBGTQ tiny-but-loud subculture will naturally collapse.
    We are seeing this already.

    Aside from Hollywood/TV, gays have very little influence in America.
    1.5% is meaningless as a Voter bloc. It was always a paper tiger.
    Economically, gays are some of the poorest people in our society.
    Many who identify as LBGT are teenagers still in college, who may likely cease identity if and “mature out of it” as it becomes inconvenient in post-campus life.
    Gay adults are disproportionately trapped in the lower rungs of some Service industry. Partly due to Beta personalities, partly because Betas tend to choose useless soft chitchat majors.
    When restaurants finish automating, gay unemployment will jump to 70%.

    Bullet dodged.

  6. What? They’re only gay for one month of the year? I guess this blows the theory that they were born that way and can’t help it.

    PS: Happy birthday Mr. Cracker.

  7. Get over it faggots. Why should Trump carry your water when you shit all over him every chance you get? And most of the country is sick and tired of all the social and political bandwidth you needy drama queen fucktards seem to need every goddamn day. Go live your lives in peace, but don’t expect the rest of us to celebrate it, because, frankly, it’s gross.

  8. As PHenry said, if you were doing normal things you would not have to have a special month to show your pride for your perversion. You also would not have stolen a word for happy and co-opted it when homosexuals have demonstrably higher rates of STDs, depression, number of sexual partners, illicit drug and alcohol abuse, and I think the stats are that they also have rates of partner abuse/violence.

    It is a biological dead end life style choice that is anti-family, anti-God, and anti-science. People with a moral compass are disgusted by it.

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