How Can I Possibly Grade These Students? – IOTW Report

How Can I Possibly Grade These Students?

AT: It’s grade-grubbing season again.  With it come nervous, angry, and very rude students.

How can I possibly grade the following actual unedited submissions?

Attached is the actual outline for my ruff raft. Please, account this as credit therefore I’ll prove my academic progression as acknowledgment for satisfactory of the course. The presentation shall be captivating with visualization being a current pet owner of a fish too!

oh lawd you stupid

Then there is the public speaking class outline, where a student submitted the following:   MORE

15 Comments on How Can I Possibly Grade These Students?

  1. Hey – you should oughta have a little more respeck! These are our future leaders – our congresspersons and governors-to be. These are the scientists who will advance our society, and the generals and admirals of our armies and navies of tomorrow. The builders and engineers who will keep the infrastructure of our country sound and up-to-date. These are the economists and planners who will make sure that America’s wealth will be there for us and our children in the decades and centuries to come.

    (In other words, we’re in a world of shit.)


  2. I know several former teachers who gave it up as hopeless in the LAUSD. So many changes are needed to fix the system, but little to nothing is actually being done to stop the decay and destruction.

    And “white house” is only capitalized when there is not some anti-American Kenyan faggot occupying that location. We will have to tear it down and build a new House after that bastard leaves. Then we can proudly capitalize it again.

  3. Vietvet, I usually do. First comments should not be off topic unless it’s a dead post, IMO. This one’s not dead, it’s a good topic. My opinion again. And I think that’s disrespectful to MJA (not flirting here, MJA).

    Thank you. And yes your are. 😀

  4. A person very close to me taught science to junior high students at a Catholic school for quit a few years. Her students really were successful in science bowls, all kinds of competitions and even sang her praises when they were in college. She was that good a teacher.

    Because of circumstances, she needed to up her income so she went to teach same in a public school. Unfortunately she lasted there 2 weeks before she quit. She couldn’t teach science to students who couldn’t read.

  5. Do no much about historee
    Do no nuttin ’bout sociologee
    Don’t no shit ’bout geographee
    An fuck all ’bout algebree
    But I do no where my pecker be
    An I do no that I love thee

  6. When I was processing mail-in petitions and general correspondence at my court, I used to get a lot of mail from inmates. They would write in a very florid, verbose style, trying to sound like lawyers. But to people who were truly literate, they merely succeeded in sounding like fools.

    The first example in the article reads a lot like some of my jail mail.

  7. What would I do?

    Find the paper with the name Comacho on it.

    Save it for future sale.

    Future President’s childhood papers are worth a lot of money.

    Invest in Brawndo. Big.

  8. Think those examples are bad? You ought to see what parents complain to the School Board about: Examples like these coming from TEACHERS! So they mandated English exams for new applicants. Number of applicants dropped dramatically. We’re so screwed.

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