How China Violates Human Rights and Lies About It Until They No Longer Can – IOTW Report

How China Violates Human Rights and Lies About It Until They No Longer Can

A disturbing look inside the Uighur internment camps in Communist China where human rights are denied to millions and torture continues under the guise of “reeducation”.
Sincerely, C. Steven Tucker 

14 Comments on How China Violates Human Rights and Lies About It Until They No Longer Can

  1. Just like ants.
    And don’t forget they EAT dogs. And cats.
    That is a Lazlo deal breaker right there.
    I may be hypocritical eating cows and such. Don’t care.
    There is Right and there is Not Right. And I know the difference.
    Eating dogs and cats and bats is not ethnic food. It is below the Civilization mark and is right in there with cannibalism.
    And I wouldn’t put it past them.
    Do you like Zombies?
    Because this is how you get Zombies

  2. It’s worse than what this video shows. The Chicoms have been doing this kind of thing since they existed. China is strewn with the mass graves of millions that have been killed over the decades. I was trained to find them as a photo interpreter in the Air Force.

  3. Where is the UN’s vaunted secretary pool writing meek letters registering their disapproval?

    Current members of the UN Human Rights Council:

    The General Assembly today elected 14 States to the Human Rights Council, the United Nations body responsible for promoting and protecting all human rights around the globe.

    By secret ballot, the Assembly elected Armenia, Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Libya, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Namibia, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Korea, Sudan and Venezuela. All 14 members will serve three-year terms beginning on 1 January 2020.

    Libya, Sudan Venezuela.

    Exiting members:

    The newly elected States are replacing the following outgoing members: China, Croatia, Cuba, Egypt, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Japan, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tunisia and the United Kingdom.

    So China was actually ON the HR Council while this has been going on.

  4. The Hong Kong situation should tell us that any deal made with PRC is subject to them doing whatever their commie asses want to do; piles of bodies don’t seem to have much effect on them.
    Lie down with bats, get up with batvirus.

  5. We, if not now, already had a feeling that China does this. They are already on Our List, anyway, as of Feb/Mar.

    I mean, it has to be obvious to the Uighur people when their neighbors living there have been taken away (disappeared).

    Do what Americans normally do. Move the CLUCK OUT before they put you into these camps like your fellow Uighurs!

    However, it might be different if you were armed in the first place. No fault of your own (other than you are still living there).

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