How Clueless Can Someone Be? – IOTW Report

How Clueless Can Someone Be?

This dope hasn’t caught on yet that the media only pushes the “white shooter with black victim” narrative?

Black guy killed a white lady? BURY THAT STORY!!!

White cop killed a black career criminal with nine warrants and a gun and drugs on him??

Run that story 24/7!!! And get me a picture of the black guy as an altar boy!!!!!!!

24 Comments on How Clueless Can Someone Be?

  1. I saw a video of Ann Coulter on Bill Maher saying that the Kansas City shooter(s) was not a white male. Maher kept saying “We don’t know who did it yet,” to which Coulter replied, “If it was a white male it would have been all over the news within hours.”

    How could Maher not be aware that that is how the news media works now? It happens all the time.

  2. Dude, those weren’t Trump bucks you smoked. But keep checking your mailbox, because Judge Engoron will be mailing out your share of Trump Bucks any day now. You earned it, big fella.

  3. Social media really is something. A dumbass low IQ nimrod, a guy who never had an original thought in his life can get on X and type something monumentally stupid and 6.2 thousand people will not only read it but share and respond to it.

    It used to be that folks would pay attention to those that were interesting, revelatory, engaging, or persuasive, but not anymore, any cretin with a keyboard can occupy space in the public square.

  4. Answering to how clueless you can be try the Liberty Daily site.
    They have a video up titled “if you haven’t seen a horse chasing a bear today”.
    It’s obviously a fucking Moose chasing a bear.

  5. Ummmmmm……..Kansas City has a black Democrat mayor, a black Democrat DA, and ranks within the top 10 cities for violent crime.

    Remove the parade headline and this is just another typical day of shootings with the requisite amount of apathy.

  6. Just sayen, citizens tackled two shooter. They were both mid fourtyish brown skin people. One of the wives described how she kicked a rifle away from one of them after he had been tackled. Now they’re telling us it was three or four juvenile black gang bangers.
    One of the people tackled was tentatively identified as a recent arrival and a Muslim. I believe it was FourChan that made the ID.

  7. You wa r to see stupid and clueless? Go to any MSM story about Fani Willis in the witness stand, then read the comments. The fawning of the imbeciles will make you want to vomit. They think she is brilliant because the news said she is.

  8. Neurotic narcissitic useful idiot. The
    fascist swamp’s push for our guns is going into overdrive. Watch for a lot of false flags. Anyway Biden’s treason in throwing open our borders will bring such chaos, martial law is imminent.

  9. I’ve spent some time this morning trying to find mug shots or other pictures of the shooters. No luck.

    News Monger Rueters posted this: None of those detained has been identified by police. But some social media posts have falsely claimed that one of those held by authorities was a 44-year-old “illegal immigrant.”

    If they have not been identified, how would Rueters know that the social media posts have made false claims that one of the suspects was an illegal immigrant? Rueters is full of shit.

    We may know someday who the shooters were, although we may never know either. There is a definite possibility that it was an illegal immigrant or a minority of some kind. There is no other reason for the authorities to withhold the identities of the shooters.

    The KCPD must be on a Federal Gov’t leash. This is just one more thing to get pissed off about.


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