How Could I Post This? How Could I Not? – IOTW Report

How Could I Post This? How Could I Not?

Have you ever dropped acid?  This could be what it’s like.

No real nudity, but I feel compelled to write NSFW-

34 Comments on How Could I Post This? How Could I Not?

  1. I splashed some hydrochloric acid on my pant leg while changing a motorcycle battery.
    Most people who are druggies are liberal in my opinion I don’t want to watch liberals do anything.

  2. @JS, H2SO4, sulfuric acid.
    Not to put you on the spot, in my younger years I designed the first American made battery to fit Japanese motorcycles. Not much about a lead/acid battery I don’t know.
    Battery Systems Inc.
    Santa Ana, CA

  3. Are we talking about acid acid or acid as in LSD? Both are extremely harmful to your health acid acid only burns you physically while LCD/acid burns your mind which is far worse. I have a friend who was a garbage head who took so many drugs back in the 70’s that it’s a wonder he’s still alive physically but lost his mind a long time ago. And another druggie friend who committed suicide by jumping off the Monroe Street bridge into the Spokane River in the late 70’s because the demons wouldn’t go away. I tend to avoid both types of acid as much as possible.

  4. @aleon – Imagine sending windowpane under a postage stamp to someone in jail …. There was some really sick shit in the 60’s.

    Best in the video?
    Had to be the train …. laughed out loud!

  5. To my continual regret, I confess I did acid twice in college. The only memorable thing, apart from the awful metallic aftertaste days later, was seeing a giant THEM! type ant in the static of a TV station that had gone off the air. Someone said it does change you. That is true. No flashbacks but I never did feel quite the same after I did it. No joke, I felt noticeably…impure, and this was long before I was saved by God’s grace.

  6. Have you ever dropped acid?

    How long do the statutes of limitation run on that in Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, Colorado, California, Korea, and Florida? How about federal? Asking for a friend.

    This could be what it’s like.

    Not really. That’s what my friend says anyway.

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