How DEI Is Like Paying for Dead Snakes – IOTW Report

How DEI Is Like Paying for Dead Snakes


This event happened in January, but it’s still relevant, especially as the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) nonsense is being swept away like the flood. Political commentator Coleman Hughes, who isn’t a conservative, was invited to discuss speech and race for a speaker series hosted by the Macdonald-Laurier Institute. Abigail Shrier was also at the event. Hughes spokes about DEI and had the perfect parable about the DEI bureaucracy that’s spot-on and will likely infuriate the Left: 

They decided to give a cash reward for every person who brought in a dead snake, thinking that, you know, two plus two equals four, all the dead snakes will be gone. Turns out if you give a cash reward for dead snakes, people will breed snakes and kill them and start snake farms. And it turns out there are way more snakes at the end of this dumb program than there were at the beginning. That’s kind of like what DEI Bureaucracies are. 

Coleman Hughes addressing the Macdonald-Laurier Institute


11 Comments on How DEI Is Like Paying for Dead Snakes

  1. DEI and the Intersectionality Derby

    Being more screwed up than other applicants is encouraged in order to get past the HR screening process and an interview. It has become more or less what resume’ is graded on in order to get through the first step, the HR Department, at all public agencies around here.

  2. Not sure how the analogy of creating a market for dead snakes relates to DEI, except maybe for comparison of the outcome. DEI creates a deadly component in society through division, isolation and elimination (DIE) caused by DEI’s destruction policies that are marketed as progress, except it’s a big grift – a lie. The actual result, participants in DEI programs become like dead snakes…useless and in large numbers wasteful, if DEI is not ended immediately.

  3. It’s not a coincidence that once women got the right to vote, divorce, fuck consequences free, and access the job market, that the “women’s” movement switched to being all about destroying men, the family, and depopulating the west of westerners.

    It’s not a coincidence that once the civil rights act past, affirmative action ideology took hold.

    It’s not a coincidence that once gays could legally marry and serve in the military, gender ideology insanity took hold.

    All those causes were driven by professional activists, who, once they succeeded in their original goals realized they had no careers left. So they just made up new “injustices” to fight. For black activists, their causes shifted from ending to racism against blacks to getting revenge on whitey, which is, in fact, racial discrimination. The “cure” is the disease and the disease never ends. For women, it was “date rape” and “male privilege”. They even did this to the point of supporting men invading women’s sports because such men cut their dicks off, and that’s a good thing to radical gender feminists who want no sexual distinctions at all, just one grey blob of perverted subhumanity.

    For faggots, it’s slightly different. There were the professional activists who needed to keep the LGB cause alive; so they created the LGBTQWERTY movement which quickly grew because the happy place for most faggots is to be hated and despised; so they always up the ante on depravity until you hate them again. Once they achieved acceptance for marriage and military enlistment, their malignant, sadomasochistic narcissism was not happy with that situation. So they had to change the goal posts to include child raping and child mutilation and sterilization into a gay rights cause. Now, they’re back to their happy place of being hated and despised by almost everyone again.


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