This is the leftist who called Trump’s administration picks, thus far, despicable.
Skywalker actor pressured his son’s girlfriend into abortion
Lifesite -Star Wars actor Mark Hamill is being spoken of all over social media tonight for his slam on President Donald Trump’s picks for his Administration. “I’m glad I have [the show] to take my mind off what’s going on,” said Hamill best known for his portrayal of Luke Skywalker. “Because if you look at what’s being assembled for our government it’s like, yikes. It’s a who’s-who of really despicable people.”
However Hamill’s own recent behavior is much more worthy of the label ‘dispicable’ even from a Democrat perspective. This Fall the girlfriend of Hamill’s son Nathan contacted LifeSiteNews to tell her story of the Hamill family coercing her into an abortion even after she clearly expressed her choice to let her baby live. The pressure was enough to get her to attempt an abortion but it wasn’t successful, so she kept her baby.
“Mark told me it was just crazy to bring a child into the world that no one wanted,” Meagan told LifeSiteNews.
Read Meagan’s whole story here.
According to the left, isn’t it a WOMAN’S right to choose?
At the very least this is mansplaining, no?
ht/ Meerkat
The douche is strong with Puke Turdpopper.
again, another over-rated self absorbed butthead that thinks because he was in the right place at the right time to become Luke Skywalker and act for a living, that he is smarter than those of us with and education and who actually work for a living. Let the first charter member of Hollyweird speak up who donates at least 50% of their amazing wealth to charities and I will listen then….as long as they jet set all over the world being adored, they can STFU!
To the dark side Luke has gone.
He’s a nameless, faceless, anonymous cypher without a script.
Who wrote this one … for him to mouth the words? Do you think he even knows what he’s saying? Does a Myna bird?
izlamo delenda est …
If you don’t tell us what he did for his 15 minutes, most of us would say, “Mark who?”
Like his hero Cankles, his accident took his convoluted brain to the Dark Side and never found its way back, maybe. When will these hollyweird types ever realize their open political activism is trashing their careers? Their bosses may be of the same ilk, but the money paying masses ARE NOT. No income from ticket sales, from sponsored products sold, NO JOB FOR YOU BUDDY! They will be hitting the pawn shops in Santa Monica soon, selling what is left of their assets, and when that is not enough, they will sell what is left of themselves on the street corners.
He. is. MERELY. an. actor.
Mark needs to get his adjectives straight – it’s deplorable, not despicable.
@ Kool Aid – “good shot, Red Two!”
Looks like he just crawled out of a whiskey bottle.
Who cares what he thinks???
WE WON because people care what these people think.
WE WON because we highlight these leftist loons and people do not want to be a part of that.
WE WIN when we can articulate what it means to be on the left so that people will not want to be a part of that.
I’ve met people who do not even KNOW what it means to be on the left, they are that clueless about policy.
So please, FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST, stop with the “who cares what they think?” comments.
If we don’t isolate, scorn and ridicule the left, even when it’s LUKE SKYWALKER, people who vote, a goodly amount, won’t know what it is they are voting for and what “their team” believes.
“Mark told me it was just crazy to bring a child into the world that no one wanted,”
FFS. What a sick bastard! Feminists will start trashing Puke Skywalker, right? Right?
Never heard of him. Have never seen a Star Wars movie. I don’t feel as though I have a hole in my life due to either.
“If we don’t isolate, scorn and ridicule the left, even when it’s LUKE SKYWALKER, people who vote, a goodly amount, won’t know what it is they are voting for and what “their team” believes.”
Thanks BFH, my thinking needed a little tweaking.
Yes we beat his ilk badly on 11/8/16. Let’s keep it up. Pound the bastards every chance we get.
38 years ago or so if you would have told me that the Luke Skywalker hero status could be destroyed with one shot I would have told you that was impossible; nobody could destroy such an icon with one shot.
Demanding a woman murder your own grandchild; now that destroys the willful suspension of disbelief.
Oddly, it even takes away from his Joker performances because one thinks: He’s not acting; he is just a crazy blood thirsty bastard after all. Why he is the kind of guy who would pressure a woman to murder his own grandchild and he uses that dark spot he calls a heart to muster up his “Joker laugh”.
I just rediscovered my Luke Skywalker action figures after they were in storage for a long time. A new home has allowed me to break out my childhood fun again. . I have the original Luke. Luke in X-wing gear. The Bespin version of him. Lots of great memories and my collection brings me much comfort.
Now I’m gonna use ‘my Luke Smywalker figures as voodoo dolls.

my Luke Skywalker…
Forget the force, use your brain.
The F.U.B.A.R. is strong with this one
And here I thought you were going to tell us that Corvette Summer part II was coming out.
I am thankful that she knew to contact LifeSiteNews (or at least anyone) to get her side of the issue into the light of day. No doubt the enemy has labeled LSN as Fake News.
Holy cow the Hamill family is messed up. The psychological trauma they inflicted on this woman is beyond the pale. “Bullying” doesn’t even begin to describe their actions.
BFH, you are absolutely correct. Expose these asshats & shitpickles for who they are and what they stand for.
Luke, I am your father. And boy, am I regretting that right about now.
If it weren’t for Star Wars, Mark Hamill’s greatest accomplishment would have been “Corvette Summer”. Does that put this into perspective for everyone?
@Wyatt – LOL!
(deep sinister voice over) Luuuuke, you got your brains from your mother.
He is a warlock.
Awe jeeze! Now I gotta to boycott Star Wars too?
Old Luke got hit on the head with a lightsaber one too many times!
His acting sucked in the first Star Wars, but I gave him a break because he was a kid and George Lucas was on a tight actor budget.
Sadly, his acting skills never actually improved over the years.
He is soooo bad that in the latest release (which was just a remake of Empire Strikes Back) basically only has a non-speaking role.
His dad (anikan) killed a bunch of kids and gets forgiven.
Another day, another Hollywood dimwit spouts off. Who cares?