How Did the Gender Students Know the Stabber Was a “Guy”? – IOTW Report

How Did the Gender Students Know the Stabber Was a “Guy”?

The students assumed the gender of the person doing the stabbing. That’s a big no-no. In fact, the punishment should be worse than stabbing someone.


A professor and two students were stabbed Wednesday during a class on gender issues at a university in the Canadian city of Waterloo, Ontario, and a suspect has been taken into custody, police said. The wounds were non-life threatening, police said, adding that the motive for the attack at the University of Waterloo was not immediately clear. The suspect was being questioned by investigators. “There is no further threat to public safety either on campus or outside in the broader community at this time,” Waterloo Regional Police Service Supt. Shaena Morris said at a news conference.

Nick Manning, associate vice-president of communications for the University of Waterloo, identified the suspect as a member of “the university community” but declined to confirm the individual is a student, the AP reports. Manning said the stabbing occurred in Philosophy 202, which, according to the university website, focuses on gender issues. “Our entire community is really concerned that this would happen here. It’s a big shock,” Manning told reporters

“The guy basically walked in and asked the teacher if he was the professor, he said ‘yeah’ then he pulled out a knife and after that, everybody just ran out,” student Yusuf Kaymak told CTV News. Jinming Li, another student in the class, gave a similar to the Imprint campus paper. Li said a man between 20 and 30 years old entered the class and asked the professor what the class was about. Li said the man then closed the door, pulled out two knives, and attacked the professor.


2 Comments on How Did the Gender Students Know the Stabber Was a “Guy”?

  1. if I went to college and wasted my time on twinky nonsense like gender studies my father would have cut off my finances the instant I said I was in gender studies. you want to study genders, find a nice girl and make smooth moves


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