How did we miss this loon? – IOTW Report

How did we miss this loon?

Why is no one suggesting that she “go the f*ck home”?

From the Feral Irishman. <- Please click

30 Comments on How did we miss this loon?

  1. Does Seattle have their own version of Bellevue? I could only hope with this mental one.

    The rubber room style? Here we have candidate 345,858 and counting.

    There is no shortage of hospital CV beds or ventilators, just straitjackets and MUZZLES!

  2. When I was in the service and would go to the titty bars on Saturday night there was always a group of street preachers on the sidewalk trying to save us.
    I would ask them “Hey man, how would you like me to convert you? Do you want me to hang outside your church on Sunday morning and try to get you to drink beer and chase women? You do your thing and I’ll do mine.”

  3. And we’re somehow supposed to believe people like this are capable of making decisions for other people?
    Thus you see why democrats are incapable of running across the street, let alone running a country.

  4. Daily, daly sing to ferry
    with the harts devotion true

    If you speak to enough fairies
    you can become an RC

    And they might want recruit you into
    their conventual life

    Daily, daly sing to fairy….

  5. What you are witnessing is a demon possessed individual confronting the scriptures. It actually causes the demons to feel physical and emotional pain through the body of the host.

    The word of God causes them to manifest themselves, and Seattle is about as Godless as it gets.

  6. She’s Bat Soup Crazy.

    She stands there screaming at the guy. Liberals have no sense of just how stupid they look to normal people.

    There is no self-awareness.

  7. @ Mr Anth Ropy
    You can come to my church anytime and hangout. Not sure how you would get me to chase women since I got married 42 years ago, we might have a beer with you though.
    Hope you find Jesus, you sound like a great guy from reading your comments. Thanks

  8. This is good evidence that Sasquatch has been sexually assaulting lone feminist hikers for decades in the Cascades. She’s undoubtedly the product of one of these frightening encounters.

  9. @Marco April 10, 2020 at 10:55 am

    > She’s undoubtedly the product of one of these frightening encounters.

    Or, just can’t get back, with Squatch “social distancing”.
    (Naw, baby. I’m not “ghosting” you. It’s… plagueyated.)

  10. This young woman and those like her are the new unemployable. What business would employ such a person. They are destined for a life of poverty and loneliness. Society will be on the hook for them like the millions of blacks made poor through LBJ’s Great Society programs.

  11. Exactly, Cisco Kid. The woman is definitely possessed by demonic forces which also makes her mentally unstable or insane.
    Hopefully, the preacher took authority over the situation by praying for her.
    Street evangelism is not for Christians in Nane Only. You have to have a very close relationship with Christ and be guided by the Holy Spirit in order to be effective and win souls for Christ.


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