How did you spend your New Year’s Eve? – IOTW Report

How did you spend your New Year’s Eve?

Oh, same old same old. Put on my rubber Reagan mask, stripped naked and peeped in windows. You?

ht/ rob e.

28 Comments on How did you spend your New Year’s Eve?

  1. We went to a dinner party with a lot of other old people and a handful of grandchildren. Our clocks were set on Buenos Aires time so it all wrapped up a little past 10 p.m. Eastern time so we could go home, drink our Metamucil, and go to bed before 11, except for the half dozen Michiganders who left even earlier to go watch the Michigan State get whacked by Bama.

    The party was too noisy because of all of us who can’t hear worth a damn had to be shouted at. There’s irony for you – it was too loud to understand much.

  2. In the UK we visited friends who invited us over without offering food. We left at 7.
    Went to bed at 11. The fucking neighbors shot off fireworks at 12.
    That lasted until 1.
    2 year old woke up at 3 and ran up and down the hall till we brought him into bed. He kicked me in the face until 6.
    I got up and gave him breakfast.

  3. Same here. Been married 36 years. 🙂

    Watched football, football and football. SEC!!!

    Actually stayed up until midnight for a change (Bama game didn’t end until 11:40, so what the heck.)

    Disturbed by fireworks around 9:00 PM (yeah, I’m getting old). Found out they were being shot off by my niece and her family that live in the ‘hood. 🙂

    Happy New Year to all at IOTW!

    Thanks for blurring the furry parts, Fur. 🙂

  4. Are you the one what took that mask off my scarecrow?

    Hell, it didn’t only keep away the birds, it chased off solicitors, trespassers, low-flying planes, DEA helicopters and spy satellites.

  5. Son #2 came over with his #1daughter. (Mom & daughter #2 are in FL at Soccer Tournament.)
    We played a game called Mexican Dominos. Took a while for dh & I to catch on. Pigged out on hot chicken dip & Bologna & cheese. They left at 10:30 to beat the drunks home. And we went to bed. Haven’t seen the New Year come in in quite a few years.
    Yep! We are party animals.

  6. Ate out Chinese and for some reason tried rattlesnake sushi. It’s like some nasty tilapia and I hate tilapia. Even a wad of wasabi didn’t help. Dessert was apple pie. A strange kind of Chinese place with skinny surly wait staff. The shrimp, mussels and clam dishes were really good though.

    Cleaned litter boxes, watched football. Watched the always boring NY countdown and thought about another year of Obozo. Got depressed at Obozo thoughts and went to sleep.

    We’re a laugh a minute in this house.

  7. I did what I do every New Year’s. Drop acid, take off my pants, don the red feathered boa, and sing Ethel Merman sings as loud as I can down at the local Bingo hall. I think I’ll mix it up next year and take my shirt off while I’m at it.

  8. At about 5 p.m. we stood on the front porch saying goodbye to the last leaving of our twelve Christmas vacation visiting peeps. As DH does every year (European Vacation), he turns to me and asks “Who were those people?” I shrug, and we go in the house and collapse. DH crawled in bed at midnight Eastern time and I did so at midnight Central.

    I kind of miss the days with neighborhood families parties in our basement with each kid having his/her own can of silly string that got smooshed in the carpeting, the spilled licquor that sanitized that spot in the carpeting, and the spilled coffee that disappeared in the multi-hot-colored shag carpeting. Man, that was great carpeting. I once flipped a pizza over on it, and the evidence was no where to be found.

  9. Everybody in my house was in bed by 9 except me, I went to sleep after the huge meal of roast beast. Woke up when they all kissed me goodnight.
    Polished off the bottle of Evan Williams and opened a second.
    Beat it one more time. Watched the neighbours fireworks, they put on a good show.
    Good luck to all, Happy New Year friends.
    In the New Year, may your right hand be stretched out in friendship, never in want.

  10. But at 1 am this morning an earthquake struck our village. 2.1 on the Richter Scale.
    No, damn it, it was not delirium tremens, my wife felt it too, and so did the neighbors..
    We live on the Ramapo Fault which runs through New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.
    Fur used to live on it but he chickened out
    Happy New Year all.

  11. Hey, Reagan’s zombie has to have his fun, too!

    Our family devastated our teen daughter by making her stay home and not having any guests (female or male, haha) and forcing her to stay off her tablet and join her little siblings for multiple glasses of sparkling white grape juice. Then, as my boy said, “We gotta watch the balls drop!” Not sure if he said it that way on purpose… It could’ve been the grape juice talking. 😉

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