AT:With most of the U.S. recently in the grip of significant cold, and given the proper goading from President Trump, liberals again felt led to lecture us on the difference between weather and climate. It’s lost on most leftists how they so often fail to apply the same standards to themselves. Whether blizzards, hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, record heat, record cold, and so on, with religious devotion, liberals almost never fail to link dramatic weather events to their apocalyptic climate narrative.
One of the easiest jobs in the world has to be that of climate doomsayer. No matter the weather, the climate kooks can scream, “Man-made global warming!,” and the faithful will follow with a hearty “Amen!” In spite of the folly and the pseudo-science behind the man-made global warming movement, time and again, the modern left insists that it is conservatives – especially Christian conservatives – who have abandoned science and reason.
Last year, The New York Times went as far as to blame evangelicals for our “post-truth society.” The New York Times lamenting a “post-truth society” is like Satan complaining about sin. Few organizations or individuals in the history of humanity have waged a more enthusiastic war on the truth than has “the newspaper of record.”
Because all sound science – yes, there are plenty of scientific charlatans – always points one to the truth, it is little surprise that those so often opposed to the truth frequently find themselves at odds with what sound science reveals. For those unsure of where they stand on the spectrum of understanding what real science and scientists have revealed, let me take a moment to chronicle some actual “settled science.” more here
I have mentioned this before. A few years ago a Colorado friend posted something about the weather with a comment like ‘global warming would be nice right now.’ Her brother, who has a Phd in trees and lives in a yurt somewhere in the north commented something supportive, and threw in a silly comment. California hippie liberal chimes in with something about Globull Warming being real, with the explanation, literally, “because science!”
Tree hugger brother responds with a fair request for supporting material to her ‘explanation’.
Entire thread deleted, I would have to think at the CA hippie liberal’s request although it wasn’t her post.
They never expect to actually have to show documentation.
Sorry, I threw in the silly comment.
The only thing that is ever legitimate is that which furthers their agenda. Everything else is “biased.”
Progressives want the world to run exactly like a cult, with charismatic leaders using everyone like an object who is expected to give unquestioning worship and obedience to the ruling group who constantly have people dealing with one artificial crises after another to keep them off balance; so they’ll never figure out how they’re getting fucked by the ruling group. The payoff for the low level cult members is that they feel like they are part of something special and unique and that they have a direct line to some amazing insight that people outside their cult are just too “unenlightened” to ever grasp.
And, like all cults, the cult of global warming will fall apart as more people figure out that the leaders of the cult are greedy, selfish, abusive, sadistic, hypocritical, and self-entitled.
Klimate Khrishna is made true because of special sauce, aka Kool Aid.
Libstains love to imagine that real world outcomes are due in part, to an etheral, abstract, magic, and given that we don’t understand everything, it can sometimes seem true. But Libstains think THEY KNOW what that magic is, and that they can control it. That’s where they go wrong.
So, they live with one foot in the here and now, and the other in a nether world of their own making.
It is truly a religious cult. And a death cult at that. Outcomes are predictable.
How Do Liberals Flunk Science? Well, they are mostly women and feminized men, and “math is hard” per Barbie.
Liberals can’t get a grip on Science because…. feelings.