How do these donks have a job? – IOTW Report

How do these donks have a job?


12 Comments on How do these donks have a job?

  1. CNN.

    Get it?
    Totally FAKE NEWS.

    If they say it enough, like Joseph Goebbels, it’ll be believed.
    Nothing will make it true … it’s enough that it be believed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Does everyone here realize how many dead people we are going to have to outvote?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. @Crackerbaby February 25, 2019 at 1:12 pm

    > Does everyone here realize how many dead people we are going to have to outvote?

    Zero. It’s all kabuki. Until the shootin’ starts. Now, if you’re asking how many dead people I can outshoot…

  4. Related to this point, @Crackerbaby
    Ever realize how many 2020 Census employees we are going to pay to try to contact dead people?
    Billions that would be better spent on a wall.
    We will fund a census to re-align voter districts yet not fund a simple cross check between death records database and the census.
    Census still try to contact my Grand Pop (Letters and multiple in-person harassment visits). He passed in 2000.
    Also cross check IRS withholding taxes against death records.
    Than have ICE employees (already in the budget) follow up on a ‘Census Check’.

  5. Cillizza is a very zzilly person.

    When searching for evidence, I think he just checks his underpants. He picks winners like he picks his nose…even if you find one, it’s worthless.

  6. @Crackerbaby
    Just think if Voter ID was a requirement as well.
    You can be turned down for a credit card in seconds applying for one in the AI so advanced world.
    However, every vote counts, scum bag politicians elected to determine no voter ID required, unless you want buy alcohol or cigarettes.
    To them, all votes matter!
    (to my comment about Death Record database searches).
    Loved to be standing in line ready to vote and listen to “Sorry you cannot vote today.”
    “Because your dead”.


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