How Do We Know Trump Got the Better of Hillary in Last Night’s Forum? – IOTW Report

How Do We Know Trump Got the Better of Hillary in Last Night’s Forum?

Because the progs have gone nuts on Lauer on Twitter, claiming he threw softballs at Trump and raked Hillary over the coals.

Well, when you knock whatever is thrown at you out of the park everything thrown is going to look like a softball.

Conversely, when you’re an ill-tempered bint, angry at the latest polling, seeing your oval office chances spiraling the drain once again, it’s going to look like you’re struggling.

16 Comments on How Do We Know Trump Got the Better of Hillary in Last Night’s Forum?

  1. ONE WOULD THINK the libbies would have learned by now to suffer in silence. Considering their advanced IQ levels, SARC OFF/ no way these childish prats will ever do that. Let them stew in their own drippings.

  2. @Carpe D’um:

    Go to Twitter and check out my tweets (greetingsfromyonkers@GfromYonkers). Mine make sense because I’m literate, and I understand word economy (background in journalism) so the 140-character limit is not a problem.

    The reason most tweets are an incomprehensible melange of cliches and abbreviations is simply that schools no longer teach writing skills. They’re too busy teaching Common Core math, contempt for America, white guilt, and gender fluidity.

    The August 31, 2014 main article at is based on a comment I had posted the previous day about tweets, and how the 140-character limit, in the right hands, could be a weapon of mass destruction. You might enjoy it and the corresponding commemts.

  3. OMG!! You should hear NPR this morning!! I forgot there was that thing last night. That explains everything thing I’m hearing. WOW. I’ll have to watch it later this evening. I’m on a business trip.

  4. Once again,she gets up and starts her “scolding” tone to the audience. We’ve had 8 years of “scolding”by this administration. She looks like a complete ass. At least, she washed her hair this time.

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