How Do You Cut Your Onions? – IOTW Report

How Do You Cut Your Onions?

It makes a difference.

109 Comments on How Do You Cut Your Onions?

  1. I can’t imagine giving a tinker’s cuss.

    What is important is how the meat for stew is cut, and the use of high quality spices from a company like The Silk Route Spice Company.

  2. Pole to pole. Got turned on to that concept swapping drinks with a Chef at the Lone Eagle Grill, Hyatt, North Shore. At 1:00 AM. That place serves the best cut of red meat known to man. Elk tenderloin.

  3. @Loco

    There’s ya bloomin’ onion, mate….awl 1500 calories of it, along with yer steak cooked in a half-pound o’ butter and oil. French froid potatas on the soide….4000 more good ‘ol calories for yas. Warsh it awl down with a few bottles a’ Victoria Bitters and yul be awl roight. Eat ‘earty, mate.

    Oiv’e been there and its good taistin’ sheet awl roight.

  4. If you’re sauteing veggies, the taste shows up big. We like sauteing a Red Onion, Aspergas, red and green bell pepper, and Zucchini. Sprinkled with Parmesan. The wife and I can make a meal out of that. But like I say the onion flavor is noticeably different from the way you cut it.

  5. Both when I hand chop, it depends on the profile of the onion.

    I probably use as much or more finely chopped onion though and when I do half it, then cut the halves into quarters and throw them in my Sunbeam Oscar.

  6. I usually slice orbital, but not for any reason described in this video.

    I don’t usually use the WHOLE onion when making a dish and I’m a cheapskate and want to preserve what’s left (kept in a bag/wrap in the fridge) for the next dish.

    If you’re the same, slice orbital from the stem. What’s left over should have the root attached. When leaving the root structure intact, the onion preserves much longer. If you really want it sliced stem to root, but not using the whole onion, then slice it in half orbitally and refrigerate the root side. Then slice stem to root the half you cut off.

    It works really well if you like a little red onion on your salad. Shave off orbitally from the stem side working towards the root and your onion will stay fresh for many many salads.

    Now go cry about it. lol.

  7. There’s a big difference in onions. Red, yellow, sweet, green, Vidalia, hell there’s dozens, I use the heck out of them. We are growing some, we don’t have a big garden so it seems like I pick up a couple every time I go to the store.

  8. I’m always an orbital cutter (except when I made bloomin’ onions for Boomerangs), so I don’t know of a difference. When I put onion in something (stew, soup, taco-filler) I cook the onion almost as long as I cook the meat. I do things by time, as I was a prep cook long ago.

    So when I think of an ingredient I think of time. Meat gets the longest, low and slow; beans,onions, and mushrooms get the second longest; and carrots, celery, and shit like peppers get the least.

    And of course pasta is cooked by itself and added to a serving in the reheat.

  9. Sauteed in butter or olive oil is my favorite onion besides the Bloomin’

    Five Guys has good sauteed onions for their 10 dollar burgers…
    In-n-Out Burger puts a whole steamed slice on theirs.
    Damn I’m hungry but hate to lose this tequila buzz!

  10. I cut down the sides of the onion so I have four quarters. I toss the center part. Then I cut the 4 quarters any old way. Usually, the onion is going into a crock pot chili recipe. 🤷‍♀️

  11. As far a knives… I find modern knives have no proper user balance. What becomes more important, when you have garbage, is the backstrap of the knife. If the backstrap is sharp 90 degree angles it’s probably a piece of shit.

    Boomerangs didn’t own any knives. They were lease knives, and the best in the business. The lease company came by anytime we called and took all of the knives and choppers and replaced with like for like. You better not ever be caught with a steel fucking with a knife… Bennie would fire you on the spot.

    None of them were stainless.

  12. It’s not necessarily an innocuous thread. That’s Willy’s sense of humor, I gather.

    Cooks can be the worst shit on the planet to deal with. I’m not half the cook my Mother was, but I have been there and made dishes that will make turds. Even I, the calmest dude on the planet (if you believe that you are a simple fuck), take issue with how knives are used.

    Jennifer: You want help with the stew? Cut up some carrots?


  13. I was a Bell Atlantic cat. I was a telco switch programmer. I was a broadcast engineer, I was an IT monkey, I was a component level electronics monkey. I have been an automobile mechanic for over 30 years.

    The worst people I ever dealt with were cooks.

  14. I don’t know what you are saying joe6 & Erik?
    Should this thread descend into the maelstrom of Trump vs DeSantis?
    I was having fun with this thread being apolitical.

    That said, if it does this nigga is ready to rumble…
    Don’t start none, won’t be none.

  15. I’ve totally switched positions on Presidential candidates. It’s Ronda or bust. Why? Because that muther foocker knows how to slice an onion. Loco, you need to stop with the alcohol and start doing hard drugs. Fuck!

  16. This thread stimulated me to go mix my tuna salad for tomorrow’s sandwich. I don’t eat meat on Friday and buy tuna by the case. Ortiz bonito, Portofino Yellow Fin and Albacore from Marinos in Westport are what I normally keep on hand. Packed in virgin olive oil is a must.

    Friends get tuna sandwich here often and remark about it and want the recipe. It’s just that I’m very particular about my tuna. It’s no different in any other way than what all recipes start with. If the kids are not around I add good olives, green or black depends on my mood and what I have here for bread.

    I always have minced onion and garlic, black pepper and mayonnaise. Tonight I went out in the yard and grabbed a pepper and minced it before adding it.

    I like tuna on untoasted bread and that means I have to pack the bread in a separate container and put it together at lunch time.

    I sauté a lot of onions in olive oil and had never paid attention to how I chop them. I’m going to experiment a bit now.

    I am particularly fond of a sandwich made of thick slice of raw Walla Walla Sweet onion on duck bread with mayonnaise. I really don’t care much which brand of duck bread, but am anti any upgrades on that front. Cheap duck bread is the way to go on an onion sandwich if you ask me.

    I’ve had others try and convince me that the Walla Walla Sweet can be improved upon by some other choice of onion, but it suits me.

    Two weeks ago I had a big serving of elk liver smothered in sautéed onions every night for a week. With catsup. I must have been pressed for time and put about two lb lobe in a vacuum bag whole. Since I’m the only liver eater here, it’s a damn good thing I love it. I had it Saturday through Thursday for dinner and lunch. Damn it’s good. Fried in bacon grease it don’t get no better.

  17. Loco, I didn’t say shit about politics. I was being honest about knives and cooking times. And the fact that I dig Cream (Wheels of Fire) and Hendrix. PLAY IT LOUD!

  18. Loco, it meant nothing. If you can interpret it feel free to do so. It was probably just acknowledging Willy adding to the conversation. I bumped heads with Willy a while back, hopefully there are no long lasting hard feelings between him and I.

  19. joe6:
    Some commenters have long memories here. My memories go back weeks, others no doubt go back longer.

    DEFINITELY requires interpretation.
    I guarantee NOBODY knew what the hell you meant writing this.
    Nobody, so don’t come down on me since NOBODY else knew WTF you meant.

  20. Ted Cruz is still in office.
    So is Ron DeSantis, Brad.
    He will be until at least January 2027.
    Deal with it.
    Meanwhile, Trump is out golfing or meeting with lawyers about pending indictments.
    Pure, unadulterated facts you hate dealing with..

  21. “Ted Cruz is still in office.
    So is Ron DeSantis, Brad.
    He will be until at least January 2027.
    Deal with it.
    Meanwhile, Trump is out golfing or meeting with lawyers about pending indictments.
    Pure, unadulterated facts you hate dealing with..”

    God I’d like a show of hands of how many people of this blog actually agree with this deep state bull shit. I’m almost certain Loco is the illegitimate son of GW.

  22. Loco, you’re nuts sometimes. Why would I make a comment with the expectation that everyone would grasp what is said. I always thought Willy is a fine guy. Granted we bumped heads a couple times. I thought maybe he would interpret the meaning of my comment as something toward him. That’s all. Just like you, I know you to be a fine guy, but it’s impossible for me to say something that you might appreciate and at the same time expect everyone else to acknowledge. You try too hard sometimes.

  23. “Does your wife know you fantasize about some woman named Ronda, Brad?”

    I expected this from you. You have no class. I would not walk across the street to piss on you if you were on fire. To me, you don’t even register as human.

  24. joe6, I know you as a rational man but damn, sometimes you throw me for a loop with your comments.
    I know Brad & Willys are ignorant tinfoil hat mofos but you are a logical thinker.
    I respect you but don’t always get you and that’s OK.
    Also, I don’t hate anyone on this site like some.
    I like having conversations and if arguments happen they happen.
    I don’t back down.

  25. Well Brad, is it a lie?
    Do you NOT talk about some woman named Ronda often on this blog?
    You do, so seek help, your marriage can still be saved.
    You wife doesn’t need to know your secret fantasies.

    Like I said, don’t start none…
    We can escalate or we can get back to cutting onions… your choice.

  26. “We can escalate or we can get back to cutting onions… your choice.”


    Actually Loco, it’s you I’m attracted to. Ya see, I’m a pitcher, and I don’t care who’s catching. Bend over, I’ll split your scrawny ass in two. How’s that for escalation? LOL

  27. See? If this isn’t funny I don’t know what is. BFH posts a story about cutting onions and this is what it turns into. Getting back to onions, sautéed with garlic and butter is always the start of a good dish!

  28. I thought we was talking about onions. And I should bring up garlic and coffee beans. If you aren’t squashing real garlic in a press, you are a faggot. If you don’t grind your coffee beans right then and there, you are a faggot.

    Of course I’m just being an asswipe, or am I?

  29. “A physical confrontation you desire would not go well for you Brad.
    Remember, I’m fit and you are fat.
    Keep fantasizing all you want”

    You’re right. I can barely get out of my Barcalounger. I breath hard for 15 minutes just changing the TV Channel. Advantage you. Let’s meet. I mean for Christ sake, Elon Musk and that freak that owns face book are being men. Lets do the same. Be a man Loco.

  30. I better go to bed. And the rest of you can squash ginger, and ginko, and garlic (you muffkers know all about vituperations, vulcans, and vampires).

    I know very little about onions.

  31. Dreams are worth studying but not reading too much into them.
    I talk to others and agree that we all dream yet some don’t really retain or remember them.
    From experience and what I’ve read it’s best to try and remember what you dreamed as soon as you awaken.

    The realism of some dreams is very disturbing, especially when they are bad dreams.

  32. I never would have guessed that a video about slicing onions would devolve into a bitchfest on this site. Oh, and I slice onions both ways, depending on the dish. It’s not rocket science.

  33. even steven, I didn’t want that, but they keep pulling me back in.
    It was apolitical as fuck and then it wasn’t due to one person.
    Please direct any derision to that felon and perhaps it will cease and desist.

    Anyway, it’s back in play now…

  34. I like the idea of posting about booze, but I’m biased. I own a liquor store. I was a stock broker for 30 years, but I like the liquor business a lot more. My customers are extremely entertaining.

  35. I believe in dispensing props when they are due, I appreciate that a certain someone did not invoke/defile my name on a thread I was not a part of. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.

    And Logo, is it OK if I call you Logo, right? (I result of clumsy fingers) props go to you as well. Low-hanging fruit is tempting to resist, and he is the epitome of that, but we made a pledge to the boss to act like adults, even if he doesn’t, good on you. And stay cool this weekend, it will probably be the first time this year I have to fire up the AC, dang it.

  36. Typically, I dice onions more than slicing them. They blend better with other vegetables when diced. Disagree with the video assessment. Onions cut in rings – horizontally from center and not halved, renders more flavor and looks better than cut end to end. Especially when I cook onion rings or potatoes and onions together.
    Elitist cooks don’t really give the best cooking advice.
    BTW, The terms “orbital” and “pole to pole” sound queer.

  37. Surprised there weren’t more women commenting on this thread. Cooking is fun to talk about.
    Guess the ladies were put off by the guys cat fighting and off topic most of the time.


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