How Do You Get In This Pool? – IOTW Report

How Do You Get In This Pool?


“Swimmers will access the pool through a rotating spiral staircase based on the door of a submarine, rising from the pool floor when someone wants to get in or out.,” the release said.

38 Comments on How Do You Get In This Pool?

  1. 2022

    “London party goers had to be airlifted from the top of a hotel early this morning when the revelers became trapped on the rooftop swimming pool….”

  2. London’s newest soft target.

    Real dumb dumbs those Brits..

    That said I have to wonder how the corners are constructed?? That glass must be a minimum of 6″ thick.

    Let’s see how it performs as a insta deluge ‘sprinkler system’…

  3. 2021


    “A therapeutic giraffe lost it’s life in a hotel submarine last week and now the pet companion is suing, claiming the Hotel failed to make accommodations for therapy giraffes.”

  4. Let’s see if I’ve got this right. You would take a subway ride, get on an escalator to get to ground level, then walk into a tall building, take an elevator to the top, get in a submarine, leave it through an escape escapists’ underwater hatch, all just to swim in a swimming pool where apparently there’s no lifeguard and no bar.


  5. Cuisinart has just applied for a patent to develop the largest ever puree blade,,,
    This going somewhere!
    h/t Good Morning CLEVELAND!
    considering the source, that is

  6. How do you get in?……How do you get out? London isn’t civilized enough for that. You just know some damn muzzies will be taking shots at the walls. I think I’ll pass.

  7. The elite love to set themselves up for completely disastrous situations. They think they’re being progressive and open minded, but all they are is masochists.
    Bet there’s no fail safe for the submarine either – a potential death trap. Well, the less (progressives) the better.


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