How Do You Know You’re Reading a Publication You Cannot Trust? – IOTW Report

How Do You Know You’re Reading a Publication You Cannot Trust?

USA Today is excrement that should be wrapped in the Daily Mail and tossed in the trash bin.

A couple of days ago a man pulled a gun on the police and tried to kill them. It happened during an investigation into a report of a suspicious vehicle in a parking lot.

This is USA TODAY’S Courier Journal Headline-

Body cam footage shows violent confrontation that left a man shot by police.

Really? That’s the way you would frame this story for your readers?

Not, “Man Pulls Gun On 2 Police Officers and Tries To Kill Them”?

I first heard about this story after seeing a headline from The Daily Mail. Look how they bury and obfuscate the truth at the very end.

The headline is extremely long, and one suspects that they hope the reader gives up halfway through and comes away thinking, “another racist cop shoots a black man.”

This tries desperately to make it seem like the cops are the bad guys.

Here’s the story about Eubanks, the attempted murderer.

Site note:

I do not link The Daily Mail anymore, I haven’t for at least 6 months. So, no story tips from them, please.

If they happen to have an interesting story, search for it somewhere else and send that link to me. I don’t do business with them.

I’m not telling you what to read, it’s a free country. But if you are a tipster, don’t send links from lefty publications. Take the extra step to find the story on sites we want to do well.

10 Comments on How Do You Know You’re Reading a Publication You Cannot Trust?

  1. Did you see the one about the eeeevvviilll cops running over an innnnnoccceeent “protester” who was in a crowd of people blocking traffic and physically attacking the cop car?
    IMHO, if you are blocking traffic as “protest” you deserve to be a speed bump. I hate rioters.

  2. The media criminals need to be targeted, hunted down, and made an example of when the time comes. They should be first on the list. Aderson Pooper should not be allowed to fall asleep at night to the sweet thoughts of David Fagg bound and gagged with duct tape, he should be peeking out his window all night long in fear of some bogeyman coming to get him.

  3. If I’m on any site – this one, Drudge, whatever – and the link takes me to The New York Times I immediately hit the back button. I don’t even care if the story is political or not. I’m sure once I’m on the Times site it’ll get political. That goes for Huffington Post, MSNBC, CNN, etc. They are so tainted that I can’t trust ANYTHING they are “reporting” (HA!) on.


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