How Do You Mend Broken Hearts? – IOTW Report

How Do You Mend Broken Hearts?


A “pumping” patch containing millions of living, beating stem cells could help repair the damage caused by a heart attack, according to researchers.

Sewn on to the heart, the 3cm (1in) by 2cm patch, grown in a lab from a sample of the patient’s own cells, then turns itself into healthy working muscle.

It also releases chemicals that repair and regenerate existing heart cells.

Tests in rabbits show it appears safe, Imperial College London experts told a leading heart conference in Manchester.

Patient trials should start in the next two years, the British Cardiovascular Society meeting heard. More

9 Comments on How Do You Mend Broken Hearts?

  1. There are some real medical advancements being made and you can owe it to good drug research. Now if it can be only marketed without hurting patients wallets.

    I am currently benefiting from a new drug that has finally grabbed my rampant high blood sugars (and literally peed them away!)

    9 years ago my 2 heart attacks destroyed the bottom part of my heart and this patch may have helped me recover. It still may I don’t know.

  2. There sure are a whole lot of carrots being dangled in front of us old timers lately. One medical breakthrough after another and we’ll be a memory before any are cleared for use by the FDA.


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