How Do You Relax? – IOTW Report

How Do You Relax?

ht/ nm

23 Comments on How Do You Relax?

  1. My neighbor’s mother lives in his basement. She has one of those nasty creatures. It acts just like that. My house is over 100 yards away and if I go in my back yard and it sees a glimpse of me it starts barking (if you’d call that a bark) and won’t shut up until it can’t see me anymore. A few times it has managed to get off its leash and runs into my yard. It tries to bite my ankles but its mouth is too small to get a grip. If it did bite me I would stomp it.
    It’s getting old. I can’t wait for it to die.
    I’m a dog lover at heart, but I can’t feel anything but disdain for it.

  2. I knew a girl at work who was just like that!
    Absolutely the most beautiful young lady I’ve ever met and one who made your hormones stretch the limit!
    But when she started talking is was just like a Chihuahua in heat.

  3. My neighbor had a Chihuahua. It would run out and try to bite the back of your ankles.
    I chased it all the way around the house growling at it.
    It still barked at me, but it did it from under the car.

  4. Sorry, but that’s a kickin dog.

    Or slather it with BBQ sauce & toss it out into the woods.

    I’ll take a Boxer, Sheppard, Retriever, Husky, Mutt, or anything useful, but not a whatever the hell that thing is.

  5. “Caller said he was attacked by the neighbor’s dogs on Monday, June 5. He said one was a small corgi named Charles and a chihuahua. Both of the dogs bit him several times.”

    Actual quote from the “Sheriff’s Report” in the local newspaper.
    No follow-up on whether the Sheriff’s Office arrested Charles and his chihuahua sidekick.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Loco is correct….
    I am the center of my little Chi-Whaa’s universe, smart as a whip, never wants to leave my side.
    Barely tolerates the wife and son, HATES any and all other life forms.
    She’s just like me!


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