How Do You Solve a Problem Like Kamala? – IOTW Report

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Kamala?

The Federalist

In sum, not only has Kamala Harris not accomplished anything meaningful as vice president, but her physical presence seems to cause people to intensely dislike her, even if that’s irrational to some degree. Not only is Kamala Harris incapable of helping push Biden over the finish line, but the smart political move would be to cut the dead weight and add someone to the ticket who is moderately capable and not actively disliked by over half of voters.

And while there’s been a lot of chatter about Dems finding a way to replace Biden — which is intensifying rapidly after yesterday’s revelations — there’s been almost no talk about the Kamala problem. Historically, swapping out a VP on the ticket due to scandal or perceived political advantage has plenty of precedents. But that’s not going to happen here, no matter how helpful it would be, because cementing the narrative that Harris was chosen for her sex and skin color, not her qualifications, is not something a political party that has fully committed to identity politics could get away with. More

21 Comments on How Do You Solve a Problem Like Kamala?

  1. “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Kamala?”

    She doesn’t look happy. I’ll have a talk with her, make sure she isn’t having bad thoughts.

    Problems usually go away after I do that.

  2. …her physical presence seems to cause people to intensely dislike her, even if that’s irrational to some degree.

    It’s irrational only if societal and cultural norms regarding acceptable v. unacceptable and congenial v. irritating and considerate v. rude behavior are irrational. And they aren’t.

  3. The hilarious thing is they can’t! She checks at least 2 boxes. 🙂
    And as awful as she is, she is certainly less capable than any replacement. So while we may be annoyed by her presence, anyone else would be at least as dangerous if not more so.

  4. “Not only is Kamala Harris incapable of helping push Biden over the finish line”

    I’m of the opinion that the brain trust (oxymoron) that is in charge of the DNC will keep her on for the same reason that she was added, to secure the votes of the majority of blacks that vote party line come hell or high water.

    Those cackling low info harpies on The View talk about this all the time; Biden needs to win so that once elected he can turn over the reins to a black person and they will finally get their dream of a black president.

    And you know the Ron Klien’s, Jake Sullivan’s and Valerie Jarrett’s have already had this conversation with Kamala ,”Here’s the deal, we’ll get you in, put we make the decisions. You do what you are told and you will get the presidency”. She will be easier to control than the geriatric houseplant.

  5. Ron Brown might have some insight on how the progressive movement deals with those among their ranks who become inconvenient. Unfortunately, he took that information to the grave with him.

  6. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Kamala?

    Well I’m surprised the question has to be asked. There’s myriads of possibilities to destroy her. Surely they can find some smack on her that would stick. Ya know, all this should have been in the works from day one, not on the heels of an election. I don’t feel good about what’s coming….

    Ya’all need to be concerned about this. Why? Because we have no one in government who is competent enough to take care of this. We’re all pretty much screwed.

    Butler Co. sheriff addresses what he learned at conference

    Sheriff Jones recently returned from the National Sheriff’s Association in Washington D.C. He spoke directly to the public on what he learned, including threats to the U.S. and “need-to-know information.”

  7. Surely they can find some smack on her that would stick.

    I gotta feeling it was something other than smack that stuck to her! After all, Ted Kennedy died 15 years ago and he’s still drying out. Surely Kaamala still has DNA on her from 20 years ago!


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