How Does Hillary Survive This?? – IOTW Report

How Does Hillary Survive This??


At issue is an email thread, beginning with a note from Clinton’s former chief of staff at the State Department, Jake Sullivan, which tellingly states:

“They say they’ve had issues sending secure fax. They’re working on it.”

To which an apparently impatient Hillary replies:

“If they can’t, turn it into nonpaper w no identifying headline and send nonsecure.”

What she’s requesting from Sullivan is that he strip sensitive information of anything marking it as sensitive so it can be sent through without following security protocols. Clinton, in other words, blatantly asked Sullivan to break the law — because she apparently didn’t want to wait.

Though she’s claimed the private email server had been employed for several unbelievable reasons — from a laughable claim of naiveté to the ‘everyone’s doing it claim’ that her predecessors had similar arrangements — the truth might have just become clear.

In January, rumors of this email surfaced, however, the state department had it redacted. An actual image of the email hasn’t existed until now which dispels any doubt that Clinton did, in fact, commit a crime.

In the past, Clinton has explicitly denied she ever requested sensitive information be stripped of confidential markings in order to send through the private server. Now, we’ve been shown the truth.

Besides the basic issue of sending classified or sensitive information on an unsecure server, Clinton willfully requested documents be doctored so she could intentionally have them sent to her in that unsecure manner. To be clear, this isn’t a simple case of not knowing any better — or accidentally being on the sending or receiving end of sensitive information.


16 Comments on How Does Hillary Survive This??

  1. This is not a new piece of info, but when it came out months ago, my reaction was this was THE smoking gun that would ultimately nail her. Let’s see and hope my prediction is correct, for it clearly puts her in a non-deniable position of directing the commission of a felony–if the FBI has the fax, it’s a slam dunk and throw in a conspiracy count since the fax is the overt act needed to prove that count.

  2. I can imagine HRC’s responses:

    “None of these emails were classified at the time, so stripping off those particular classification markings was justified…oh, wait….um….”

    “This email direction only applied my own non-work-related Clinton-family-classified emails that were regarding my confidential gym classes and Chelsea’s forthcoming wedding plans… that happened 11 months previously….oh, wait…”

    “Many of my staff had access to my secure top-secret plus email account and I haven’t been able to discover who might have sent this. I don’t want to embarrass any of those loyal devoted staff, so no, I haven’t asked any of them who did. ….um, no that doesn’t sound right…”

    “My secure top-secret-plus email server was unfortunately hacked and someone forged that email. Yeah, that’s what really happened. And all those other emails containing top secret information? They were put there by hackers too. I was just helping out the State Department by deleting those 30,000 emails because many of them were fake emails put on that server by hackers and did not actually relate to classified information I had access to.”

    “Anyway, I’ve just been informed by staff that Vince Foster has taken complete responsibility for creating those emails.”

  3. With all the crap that president select bush did, like illegally invading a country, they better not send Hillary Clinton to jail for something trivial like e-mails.

  4. DOJ Department of Justice? Department of Jokers.
    They’ve already made their decision not to indict or prosecute regardless of what the FBI has found or covered up.
    Eric Holder and Lois Lerner agree with this assessment.

    The good old boy network of corruption in government goes far beyond the president’s office and the Agency Heads of DOJ, ATF, IRS, FBI, State Dept., DOD, Homeland security, ICE, DOE, Education, etc., etc.

    Trump as a filthy house to clean up and the bureaucrats & Unions will fight him the whole way.

  5. Ann Coulter thinks Obama is going to turn on her and pitch a Biden/Warren ticket. I could see it. I actually hope Hillary stays in the race since she has the like-ability actor of Ebola.

  6. Larry the Retarded Liberal, it’s more than just email, we’re talking official classified information. Like the kind of stuff that rings the red phone in Hollywood. Or like when the dog eats your stash. This is serious business.

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