How does Jennifer Granholm not walk outside every morning and immediately fall on her face? – IOTW Report

How does Jennifer Granholm not walk outside every morning and immediately fall on her face?

PatriotRetort: Has there ever been a stupider woman than Jennifer Granholm?

jennifer granholm

Sure, among Democrat women, it’s really hard to nail down just which one of them would take the prize for Stupidest Woman in America. But I think the case could be made for this former Governor of Michigan and ardent Hillary supporter.

This nudnik actually went on CNN today and claimed that Hillary’s trust issues are the fault of Fox News and “the Right Wing.”


Not because Hillary is untrustworthy in her own right.

Not because Hillary lies like some people take in oxygen.

Not because Hillary has spent her entire public life trying to hide what she is doing from the American people.  more

14 Comments on How does Jennifer Granholm not walk outside every morning and immediately fall on her face?

  1. Once you get below a certain threshold, there’s little point in trying to rank stupid. But if we want to include an emotionally satisfying subjective component to the more quantitative objective criteria, I’d have to give the title of Stupidest Woman in America to Sheila Jackson Lee. (Close runner-up: Cynthia McKinney)

  2. It’s like when my kid hits my other kid and says, “he made me do it!” No, no, son, no one made you do anything, you chose to do what you did and you’re going to get in trouble for it.

    “The right wing made Hillary lie, over and over and over again.” No, no, no one made Hillary tell a lie, commit treason, or anything of the sort.

    Fox gets in trouble for reporting it?

    I should get in trouble for making my kid take responsibility? Or a teacher should get in trouble for reporting bad behavior to the principal? It’s the same thought process and she’s flat out stupiderist.

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