How Engoron Verdict Kneecaps President Trump’s Ability to Fight Back – IOTW Report

How Engoron Verdict Kneecaps President Trump’s Ability to Fight Back


This is no small thing, even for those of us at the nickel-and-dime end of the Great American Judicial Shakedown – and especially not when, at the lower-court phase, justice has been comprehensively weaponised against one side of the country’s political divide. But to be clear: to appeal Judge Wankeron’s [Engoron] decision Trump needs to come up with a bond for at least $350 million.

So, just to complicate the issue, Wankeron forbids him from doing business with any financial institution registered in the State of New York. Which is rather a lot of them, it being the home of Wall Street – and of almost all the big players: J P Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley…

Oh, to be sure, the First National Bank of Dead Moose Junction in Aroostook County, Maine isn’t registered in New York. But are they where you go when you need surety for 350 mil? More

23 Comments on How Engoron Verdict Kneecaps President Trump’s Ability to Fight Back

  1. I’ve been trying to keep up on this judgement. I’m reading it will cost Trump Inc $500 mil in an escrow account to appeal this decision. The state of New York has just started fucking with him. Let’s all hope the Truckers Strike, businesses leaving due to, tourists boycotting, businesses avoiding doing any biz with New York drives that shit hole into the ground.
    This is far from right. People need to be held accountable.

  2. “People need to be held accountable.” I tink they were already. Truckers strike, please do it, I always need moe tow jobs & big rigs are bigly bucks. They can do it, I can help. Ernies Big Rig Towing Inc.

  3. I can’t help but think that, given his resources, President Trump could surely self-insure a bond of $400,M. He could deposit the amount or predge property of that value in a Delaware or North Carolina bank and then have them issue the surety bond at no risk.

  4. See how they work? Impose a ridiculous penalty and then limit his ability to borrow money. He can’t borrow from any NY chartered bank. And he has to freeze a sizeable portion of his wealth during the appeal. Oh, then there is the court-appointed monitor who has to approve every loan and expenditure of Trump Co. and sets the minimum interest at 9%. No negotiation. No deals.

  5. It’s said that Trump’s net worth is 2.5 Billion. That’s if he liquidated everything hence the word ‘net’. What’s cash on hand? The government knows and we can assume that the figure that they came up with was factored in. Probably heavily factored in.

    In question is whether interest has to be included in a surety bond and if that’s the case, the figure is closing in on a half billion. If he loses the appeal, he loses the money. Just where would this appeal be argued with any form of even a degree of fairness?

    You combine this with all the other charges and cases against him and …

    We no longer have any semblance of a representative form of government. We’re a banana republic with no bananas.

    Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.

  6. “If a million Trump supporters sent him $500 he’d cover the escrow. If 5 million sent him $100, same….”

    I like this but they’ll find a way to make his acceptance of the funds illegal. There are political prisoners being held in our country. Our countrymen are being held. Some not charged, some in solitary. Our government would like nothing more than to make contributing to Trump illegal to give those political prisoners some additional company.

    Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.

    These aren’t schoolyard games being played. A Trump presidency would put an end to 100+ years of planning and waiting. They are so close now that all the stops have to be pulled out.

    They’re creating laws now without ink being put to paper and without votes. The law is what they say it is.

  7. I’m not worried. If anybody knows how to fight lawfare and win, it’s PDT. This is his milieu, his briar patch, and all of the petty, grinding, abusive bullshit they throw at him only makes him stronger and more popular.

    And the tools who are on the blunt edge of the rusty sword which flails at him are not becoming legends and heroes. They are being worn down, exposed, embarrassed, humiliated and retired, one by one, with no fanfare. They may not be jailed or sued, but they are discarded like bent forks. Nobody likes failures. Name me one person who is better for taking on PDT.

    The only thing the deep state has in its favor is a steady supply of mediocrities who think they will succeed where countless others have failed, and they will become the hero who slew the dragon, yet never realizing they have instead ruined themselves tilting at a windmill. A battered windmill, to be sure, but one which knows which way the wind blows, and still turns to it unerringly.


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