How Far Gone Is the Left? OBAMA Sounds Reasonable – IOTW Report

How Far Gone Is the Left? OBAMA Sounds Reasonable

The Blaze-

What did Obama say about immigration? Obama pushed back against a liberal tendency to label anyone concerned about the impact of immigration as a “racist.”

“We can’t label everyone who is disturbed by migration as racist,” Obama said. “If you’re going to have a coherent, cohesive society, then everybody has to have some agreed-upon rules. And there are going to have to be some accommodations that everybody makes. And that includes the people who are newcomers. The question is, are those fair?”

And later in his remarks, “Should we want to encourage newcomers to learn the language of the country that they’re moving to? Of course. Does that mean that they can never use their own language? No, of course it doesn’t mean that, but it’s not racist to say, ‘Ah, if you’re going to be here then you should learn the language of the country that you just arrived at because we need to have some sort of common language in which all of us can work, and learn and understand each other.


When Obama sounds reasonable, and says things that would be a non-starter in the current clown car of leftist morons, you have to realize that what we are witnessing are simpleton candidates that just want power, and they think the pathway to that power is to out-radicalize their opponents.


10 Comments on How Far Gone Is the Left? OBAMA Sounds Reasonable

  1. MK ULTRA (government brainwashing) was introduced into the school system in the 1970s. The more “educated” you are the more brainwashed you are. You have to want to be hypnotized to become hypnotized but a minority of people will resist. The msm, hollywood, academia, government, all liberal thinktanks, community organizing, etc. etc. are all part of the organized nexis. Even conservatives have become passive from the effects to the point that we have long been paying for our own destruction.

  2. 0bama has often said very reasonable things. Best example for me (because I haven’t listened to or read a whole lot of his blather) is his Nobel Prize acceptance speech – over 90% spot-on with just a couple of global warming type statements. But then there are his actions…

  3. Yep – after he made such effort to help create the crisis in the first place, now he’s trying to distance himself from it like he’s now all of a sudden reasonable. Wonder who wrote that for him.

  4. Left Coast Dan, exactly right. What Obama said didn’t mean squat. It’s what he did that told us exactly who he is.

    That is who all the current Left presidential candidates are. The only difference is that they are saying out loud what they intend; Obama lied about his intentions. It has something to do with … gee, what is that word again? Taqiya!

  5. @Billy Fuster April 9, 2019 at 10:36 am

    > Even conservatives have become passive from the effects to the point that we have long been paying for our own destruction.

    Not “passive”. Active. And very, very, egotistical. “Conservatives” want the same things, the exact same things, as “liberals”. But they, also, want massive shovels full of “Look at me!” to go along with it. “I, too, want communalism! But I want my brand of communalism.” “I, too, want a borderless world! But I want my business model of borderless.” “I, too, want all the drooling proglodytes to worship me! But I want them to worship me for being so iconoclastically common.” (“I’m not a Bolshevik! How dare you!? How dare you!? I, sir — allow me to straighten my totally different tie, it’s a bow tie — am a Menshevik!”)

    Or, for the proglodytes reading this: “I wear my hometown rivals’ jersey, to my local sports bar, to watch the home team play, in the same league, to split the same prize, with their rivals, because I’m special.”

  6. Reasonable in the streets, Ilhan-Omar in the sheets.

    The Last Reasonable Man on the stump, but Mayor Pete Buttigieg in the rump.

    I’ve seen this play before.


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