How Far Gone Is the Left On the “Clock Kid” Issue? – IOTW Report

How Far Gone Is the Left On the “Clock Kid” Issue?

When the likes of Bill Maher and Chris Matthews get exasperated with the moron Jorge Ramos, and give up trying to get common sense through his thick friggin’ skull, you know the left is too far gone to be reasoned with. (Yes Jorge, I can paint all the people who agree with your left-wing idiocy MORONS.)

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Click for video. This is actually pretty satisfying.

7 Comments on How Far Gone Is the Left On the “Clock Kid” Issue?

  1. Chris Matthews saying it’s a f’ing cartoon without a trace of irony was kinda funny. Ramos being muffled was very satisfying. How far gone are any of them – well Maher is a dick, but he can be right once in a while. When he’s not going for the cheap shot, and is in a mood to reason.

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