How Hillary “Laundered” $84 Million – IOTW Report

How Hillary “Laundered” $84 Million

For someone who once stated she was no domestic and doesn’t bake cookies at home, Hillary Clinton sure seems to do a lot of house work. First, there’s the cooking of the Clinton Foundation books, then we find her  scrubbing her server with Bleachbit and now it’s reported that Hillary’s campaign “laundered” contributions so that bundled donations would all flow into her presidential race.  More

12 Comments on How Hillary “Laundered” $84 Million

  1. Unfortunately, if she loses, Hillary won’t see jail time, just pay damages. The only way out for her is if the judge declares that the Committee to defend the President doesn’t have “standing”. Any bets that is exactly what will happen?

  2. Interesting that millions of dollars make it’s way into politicians bank accounts that come from dubious or illegal sources, yet the feds don’t say boo. But let an extra 10 Grand land in a private citizens bank account and they’re freezing your assets and confiscating your stuff before they even ask where it came from.


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