How Hollywood Justice Works – IOTW Report

How Hollywood Justice Works

The treatment of Roseanne Barr appeared to set a high standard for how Hollywood celebrities are to behave on social media. Then Peter Fonda sent out some truly ugly tweets this week and the treatment he has received charts out the loop hole in the system of unwritten rules of decorum for the famous.  Here

5 Comments on How Hollywood Justice Works

  1. Pete’s like, y’know, part of a great socialist dynasty, and stuff … y’know, sorta like that Kim Jong Un guy, and stuff … and y’know … Y’know?

    See, Roseanne’s not, like, y’know, part of a great socialist dynasty, and stuff, like, y’know?

    See how that works?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. That is why Poor Lazlo doesn’t go to movies.
    Why pay to be near texting, non-stop talking, no manners having reprobates to see a movie produced and starred in by people who would spit on me if they heard what I think.
    The last time I went to the movies I had to choke some douchenozzle out for punching up his girlfriend right in front of me (I admit I had the advantage of placement, being directly behind him).
    I decided from then on to avoid those places

  3. Twitter justice too. Say something that offends the left (pretty much everything they can’t defend) and you get suspended. Death threats, name calling, etc. just go ignored if the target is on the wrong side of the left and their agenda.


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