How Impeachment Blew Up In Democrat Faces – IOTW Report

How Impeachment Blew Up In Democrat Faces

The Federalist

Democrats’ impeachment effort was never about removing President Donald Trump from office. If it had been, it would not have been rushed through the House of Representatives without a proper predicate or investigation.

No reasonable person expected the Republican-controlled Senate to remove a sitting president for anything Rep. Adam Schiff repeatedly alleged, no matter how unfairly he characterized Trump’s thoughts, words, or actions.

Impeachment was about satisfying the corporate media and Democratic base that had demanded it for years. And since removal was never a realistic outcome, it was about harming Trump in an election year.

By that standard, it could not have gone worse. Here are three ways that Pelosi’s gambit backfired bigly.

13 Comments on How Impeachment Blew Up In Democrat Faces

  1. Well yeah maybe but the article misses what really has been going on, first with the Russia hoax and “investigation”, and then with the Ukraine “investigation” and impeachment sham (and the barrage of other claims in the fake news).

    It’s to cover up corruption, spying on Trump, and “resistance”, and get ahead of (or prevent) investigations into enormous wrongdoing during and after the previous administration — which would sweep in not only former and current bureaucrats, but also politicians. “The best defense is a good offense”.

    (I’m so weary of media and pundit naivety.)

  2. The main reason it failed is because Trump released the transcript of the Perfect Call. Now, as Sundance says, its time to get back to business and release everything Rodentstein warned him not to release, including, but not limited to:

    “All versions of the Carter Page FISA applications.
    All of the Bruce Ohr 302’s filled out by the FBI. [Without redactions]
    All of Bruce Ohr’s emails. All supportive documents and material provided by Bruce Ohr to the FBI. [Without redactions]
    All relevant documents pertaining to the supportive material within the FISA application.
    All intelligence documents that were presented to the Gang of Eight in 2016 that pertain to the FISA application used against U.S. person Carter Page; including all intelligence documents that may not have been presented to the FISA Court. Presumably this would include the revealed State Dept Kavalac email; and the FBI transcripts from wiretaps of George Papadopoulos (also listed in Carter Page FISA). [AKA ‘Bucket Five’]
    All unredacted text messages and email content between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok on all devices.
    The originating CIA “EC” or two-page electronic communication from former CIA Director John Brennan to FBI Director James Comey that started Operation Crossfire Hurricane in July 2016“

    If none of the above ever see sunlight, I have to conclude that the shampeachment was successful, at least as a deterrent to Trump risking another witch hunt.

  3. And in case you haven’t yet seen POTUS Trump’s “little talk” (LOL!) this morning at the WH, you are in for a real treat!

    In fact I’m going to go listen again! He’s funny, serious, profound, profane (yes, right at the WH podium!). He’s reinforcing his ever expanding team of loyal and loving support from within the Legislature. It’s truly a thing of beauty to see how Trump creates success in real time.

  4. “Impeachment was about satisfying the corporate media and Democratic base that had demanded it for years.”

    No, I don’t think that is correct. I believe the democrat leadership, and the MSM demanded from the beginning. The majority of the democrat base only joined in later, after impeachment was promoted by the first two.

    And the democrat leadership was quick to promote impeachment primarily to cover up their corruption, and because they were ticked off their fix to elect Hillary failed. She was the queen bee of the corruption.


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