How is Kamala’s pandering not insulting? – IOTW Report

How is Kamala’s pandering not insulting?

Patriot Retort: Boy, I wasn’t kidding when I said Kamala Harris is the Tinted Hillary.

Just like Mrs. Clinton, Kamala wants blacks to think she is down with the struggle.  But instead of telling them about the hot sauce in her purse, she pretends to be a pot-smoking, rap-listening girl from the ‘hood.


Spoiler alert: she’s not.

As Daniel Greenfield points out in his column “Kamala Harris’ Political Blackface Routine” at Front Page Magazine:

Her mother was an internationally famous cancer researcher and the daughter of P.V. Gopalan, a high-ranking Indian diplomat from the Brahmin caste. Her father was a professor of economics at Stanford who served as an adviser to multiple Jamaican prime ministers.

As a Los Angeles Times article described her, she was the “privileged child of foreign grad students”.

But instead of embracing what is a very diverse and rich cultural background, Kamala instead decides to boil her bio down to the color of her skin.

It’s craven condescension — not to mention just a wee bit insulting.


Kamala Harris: “I am black and I am proud of it. was born black and I’ll die black and I am proud of it. And I am not gonna make any excuses for it, for anybody, because they don’t understand.” 

No, I understand perfectly, Kamala.

You think the only way to win the Democrat nomination is to pander to blacks in the most insulting way possible.

Blacks, according to Kamala, listen to the rap music, smoke the marijuana cigarette and hang with they homies. They don’t have Brahmin mothers with whom they traveled the world.

So Kamala talks about rap music, pot-smoking and her skin color the same way Hillary employed a fake black accent and deployed the hot sauce.

How long before Kamala does a townhall where she encourages the audience to feel free to ax her anything?  MORE

14 Comments on How is Kamala’s pandering not insulting?

  1. first off- she is an anchor baby.
    If her claim to have listened to snoop and tupac while smoking dope is true, then that would have been at the same time she was employed by a county district attorney’s office, which would have had responsibility of prosecuting people who smoked dope. A little bit of hypocrisy there.
    Either she lied about the music, or she lied about when she was smoking dope. Of the whole story is a lie.
    And she is to be trusted?
    It needs to be clarified if she was smoking dope while in the DA’s office, or thereafter while in any office and when doing so was illegal. I could see a lot of appeals being filed.

  2. Look for the gold grill with Kamala across the top and bitches on the bottom, grabbing her crotch as she screeches at the crowd “we don’t need no moe sacurrity at da border.”

  3. You would be right more often than wrong if you just assumed that a Democrat politician -including the Black ones- considers all Blacks to be low life tools they can use and then dispose of at will according to what furthers their interest at the time.

  4. “Yo yo yo! Whaddup, my niggah?”
    I kept expecting during that “interview” with the homie.
    A prancing panderer, like them other prancing panderers – the niggrahs seems to likes them, tho!
    “Tell me lies, feed me shit, but keep my EBT card filled up!”
    “Gimme dope, let me hope, as I live out my life in front of the TV – Orka be on!”
    Section 8 third-world shit-hole circumscribed by a beltway with giant “sound” walls looks like could keep King Kong out.
    Muscatel. Gone to Hell. Soul to Sell. Jus as Well.
    Nothin ahead, nothin behind – lies, more lies, damned lies, and the abyss.
    Abort the babies, shoot the kids, drive-by, good bye!
    Somehow blame whitey. Shouldn’t’na brung me here. Not my fault.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. And then, there’s the whole “ho” thing with Willie Brown. Another important qualification for would be (d) candidates, regardless of their particular “gender identity”.


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