How is this acceptable in the left’s world? – IOTW Report

How is this acceptable in the left’s world?

Katy Perry tricks a guy into a kiss that he did not want.

That’s assault, isn’t it? maybe even rape?


A 19-year-old man who was kissed by Katy Perry on American Idol says he felt “uncomfortable” – because he wanted his first kiss to be “special”.

In an episode which aired at the weekend, Benjamin Glaze was asked, “have you kissed a girl and liked it?” by fellow judge Luke Ryan, a reference to Perry’s song “I Kissed A Girl”.

When Glaze, a cashier from Oklahoma, responded, “I have never been in a relationship and I can’t kiss a girl without being in a relationship.” Perry leapt from her seat, and said, “come here right now.”

First, she faced her cheek towards him and he kissed it, but after requesting a second kiss on the cheek, she swung her face towards him as he approached and kissed him quickly on the lips.


27 Comments on How is this acceptable in the left’s world?

  1. Don’t worry son, in a couple days a crust will form over that blister then all you need to do is borrow some of your mom’s make-up to hide it.
    You can tell your friends that you and Katy share a lifelong bond.

  2. If Katy was a #MAGA supporter, then the internet would have crashed from the endless hate spewed out by the SJB (Social Justice Bullies). But she’s a regressive, its okay in their book.

  3. She needs to celebrate killing that nun and stealing her home somehow.

    No talent attention whore is her job description but one story defines this bitch:

    Obama invited her to sing at his inauguration and she banned her Republican parents from coming to see her do it because she wanted to make sure they stuck to their principles.

    The day the wire harness that flies her around the stage finally snaps and she takes a header into the pointy end of a speaker will be quickly followed by champagne in Casa de Guevara.

  4. The Left responds to any perceived insult or incorrect thinking with a quest to ruin the person/business. I suggest that KP should lose her TV show job (I said show job!) and that her concerts be boycotted. Left’s rules.

  5. Liberal hypocrites and their double standards.

    If that were my son (or daughter) and a filthy, older, powerful celebrity (casting couch) STOLE his/her first kiss… I’d be fit to be TIED!

    I wonder which hollyweird pervert stole her innocence.


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